George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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Sorry I'm a little late folks - Nick will apologise on my behalf to the lucky gal who gets him next :D

blackflag so much porn in one pic
Princess cos Mitch is there and I like him
NickyFan neck!!
Stokes4Me sunnies and buzz *gasp*

Tonight I'm sending Nick west (and up a bit lol) to Jacquie for giving me some early Nick sunnies with this. I've been watching some older CSI lately and enjoyed some reminiscing.

Have a good time :D
Sorry I'm a little late folks - Nick will apologise on my behalf to the lucky gal who gets him next :D

blackflag so much porn in one pic
Princess cos Mitch is there and I like him
NickyFan neck!!
Stokes4Me sunnies and buzz *gasp*

Tonight I'm sending Nick west (and up a bit lol) to Jacquie for giving me some early Nick sunnies with this. I've been watching some older CSI lately and enjoyed some reminiscing.

Have a good time :D

Woo Wee looky who showed up at my place this evening :) Thanks Yoshi and as always I won't tell what Nick's apology was :devil:

Let's go with and I Spy theme. 'I Spy with the letter 'C' 12 pics in about 24 hours. Happy Hunting while I get reacquainted with a certain someone :devil:
Good Morning y'all :)

and what a good morning :D

it's going to be another sunny day here which is a switch for November 11th. Usually Remembrance Day is a rainy damp cold typical November Day but that's not going to happen today.

Stokes4Me good luck with your concert :)

Princess I like seeing what everyone else comes up with in I Spy as well. It's a fun thinking game without stressing the brain to much. I was going to go with a thinking theme but after the quiz I put up I figured I better be kind to the quiz players :lol:
it's going to be another sunny day here which is a switch for November 11th. Usually Remembrance Day is a rainy damp cold typical November Day but that's not going to happen today.
Today is also Veteran's Day in the U.S, so here's to all those who have served. *salute* However, in Chicago, the weather can be, well, unpredictable. This year, it's going to be in the 50s F and mostly sunny. Not bad for November in the Windy City.:bolian:
Good Evening everyone :)

Nick and I've had a wonderful day but unfortunately, for me :D, it's about to come to an end.

Runners up in no particular order

Princess you've got to love buzzed tight t-shirt Nick here :drool:
NickyFan lovely chocolate here
blackflag a very empathic Nick. It's a shame he couldn't get thorough to Tommy :(
Princess for some reason I like this scene with Nick and the bird :lol:
blackflag ah Ride a cowboy save a horse :devil:
NickyFan I almost sent Nick to Germany to visit you but.......

I'm going to send him to Sweden instead to visit Stokes4Me. This has a couple of 'C' in it. Cap and Chocolate :drool: and oh that chocolate is to die for. I almost did me a chocolate theme so I figure this works for both of us :) So congrats on winning Stokes4Me. Enjoy your Nick time :devil:
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