George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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Good evening everyone :)

Nick and I have had a wonderful day today. The temperature for a November was absolutely balmy. The high got to 14C this afternoon and we had sun. A perfect day for raking leaves and enjoying a walk around the block at the store.

So one to the business at hand of seeing who will be the lucky recipient of a certain georgeous Texan :)

Runners up

blackflag sigh
bookgirl hello handsome
Stokes4Me :adore:
Princess open Nick and chocolate :)
Stokes4Me Open Nick with some buzz showing through :drool:
blackflag you almost got Nick back again with :) I love the look on his face that you've capped here :drool:

so I guess that means that Princess is the lucky winner of Nick for a Saturday night. George is aging so handsomely. Hot damn he's got a loverly open Nick here as well :drool: So congrats Princess enjoy your Saturday night :devil:
I had a long day of mall shopping (and stupid cashier forgot to remove the security tag from my jeans which I only realized once I got home! :scream: ) so it was nice to come home and find Nick waiting for me.

Thanks Jacquie, by the way.

So, new about at least 12 of your best Profile pics in 24 hours or so. I don't think we've had that one in a while so have fun ladies.
Good morning y'all :)

I hope that passes the grade Miss

:) I love the look on his face that you've capped here :drool:

That was the look on his face when he told Catherine that Tommy'd busted his camera. I first I was stuck on the chocolate but then I realized the whole face was just :drool:.

profile #6


I thought that was what that face was about. And the caps are looking good :)

My first set of profile pics coming up

I know it's mostly of another CSI but Nick does have a nice profile here
Wow!!! A profile theme!!! I need to play this one, definitly :D

I hope you all had a great weekend :) Let's hope Mom, Pattie and Speedy have a great time in Las Vegas this week :thumbsup:

Congrats on your win, Princess and lovely theme choice :) I just LOVE his profile :drool:

Profile #1
Profile #2 :adore:
Profile #3
Profile #4
Profile #5
Profile #6

I have so many more in my PB... but I need someone to have mercy with me and posts after me... please???
Wow!!! A profile theme!!! I need to play this one, definitly :D

I hope you all had a great weekend :) Let's hope Mom, Pattie and Speedy have a great time in Las Vegas this week :thumbsup:

Profile #5
Profile #6

I have so many more in my PB... but I need someone to have mercy with me and posts after me... please???

Not so much a mercy post more to say "hi!" and to let you know pic5 and 6 are the same!

And yeah! Let's hope Smokey and Co are having a blast in LV!:thumbsup:
and let me guess blackflag it has something to do with a cowboy in chaps :devil:

I always knew that I'd be watching The Spring first but I never even thought of what order I would watch them in after that. :lol: (I'm a SciFi fan so The Spring was a given!)

Well, after mulling it over for about half an hour last night I decided to watch this. :eek: And while there's plenty of this and even a good bit of this as well as some really beautiful (other :lol:) scenery. The cap I really wanted was actually this. I can't really explain why. :lol:

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