George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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Good Morning y'all :)

and yes Stokes4Me it was a good episode last night. I've only got the promo pics to work with but this shirt was very :drool:worthy. The other shirt Nick had on in the episode was :drool:worthy as well but alas I'll have to wait for our mad cappers to come up with the pics :)
Good afternoon fellow Ward denizens. :)

Poor Nicky had a hard time of it there in the end last night. :( You could feel Nick's pain when Tommy couldn't give her (Jessie?) the chance.

Only 4 players so let's get things rolling.

Your runners up:
Princess :drool:
Stokes4Me - I love this black shirt! :luvlove:
Bookgirl - special award for originality. I hadn't even thought of this ep and white. :lol:


Jacquie and. Once again I couldn't decide. White open Nick or, um, well you know! :p :p :p Nick's on his way north of the border. He should be well rested as we did nothing but cap Death and the Maiden as the lawnmower still won't run.

Well well well twas a nice surprise to find this fine looking handsome young man on my porch when I got home this evening :) thanks blackflag and since Nick is well rested................ :devil:

Now onto a theme. I'm at a conundrum on what to do as a theme tonight. Should we do an Open Nick, Little Stoker, Chocolate, Buzz or as I like to call to 'No Specific category' and yes I'm aware there are a heck of a lot more to chose from but we don't want to see what Smokey and DJRideout have up there sleeves this early in the game by going over our allotted non theme winner picture allowance :D I think I'm going to go with an old reliable theme this Friday night. Something that will be easy after a long weeks work. Open Nick :devil: I'm loving the Open Nick we are getting this year and it is one of my favourite themes. So a maximum 12 of your best Open Nick pics and I'll post a winner in about 25 hours. Happy Hunting Ward Girls while I go and see to my well rested guest :devil:
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