George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Ok, here's a scary thought, I entered a wallpaper in the wallpaper challenge.
Ooooo scary! If I get any votes, I'll be shocked. Oh well, :rolleyes: I just have fun creating the stuff and see how everyone likes them or not.

Is that the "Help" one? Good luck, Speedy! I'm nowhere near ready enough to try my hand at wallpaper. :lol: I'll be sure and vote tho.

Speaking of, hopefully they'll have the ships icon challenge finally open for voting tomorrow.
*Walks in, goes to closet gets out one of the many backup hoses* I might need this one for other threads *waves at everyone and walks out* ;)
Alright Smokey, aren't you suppose to picking the winner? I see you lurking! :lol:

I'm not lurking! I'm leering! :devil: And I'm taking precious time away from editing a chapter of smut. :D So here goes!

Okay, if I didn't miss anyone then I count 9 players! Enough hand porn to last me another month. :lol: Honorable mention goes to Yoshi for your "hands around Drops' ankle" pic from "Drops Out". And to Princess for your pic from "Lying Down with Dogs".

And without further ado, the runners up:

Bookgirl - What a grip!
Speedy - A little something different!
Dierdre - Mmmm...young hands
Cap'n Jacquie - Naked hands at work!
Steph - I like Monaco pics too!
Blackflag - *swoon* Oh, so very, very close to winning!

And the winner is MsCath! Young, naked, and with a little bit of sleeve coverage. *sigh* :)

Thanks to everyone for indulging my hand porn fetish again! :lol:
Congrats on the win MsCath, that was a droolworthy pic... Well don't keep us waiting too long for the new theme. :D Also congrats on your wins in the Big Meanies challenge Smokey, those icons were great, I especially loved your 1st place one. :D Great job!!

Some Nicky goodness.

Enjoy!! :D
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