George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Smokey of I come to your line at the bank will I get $60 if I only ask for $50 :guffaw:

You might get more than that if you don't quit being so smart!
How much is Speedy paying you for this?!


How did I get involved in this?
All I did last night was post my pics, capped "A Little Murder", started a one shot story for fanfics, played some computer games, read some of "Duma Key" and went to sleep.

Then I wake up with 3 voice messages on my cell and now what am I doing? I'm at the office, ON MY DAY OFF, to fix a page that was sent wrong to the printer and what do I see? I'm being accused of paying Jacquie to pick on Smokey and I haven't even been on here since last night.

Bookgirl, I forgot to congratulate you on your promotion.
For that you get a little fetish of mine :thumbsup:
How did I get involved in this?
All I did last night was post my pics, capped "A Little Murder", started a one shot story for fanfics, played some computer games, read some of "Duma Key" and went to sleep.

Then I wake up with 3 voice messages on my cell and now what am I doing? I'm at the office, ON MY DAY OFF, to fix a page that was sent wrong to the printer and what do I see?


See?? You were too busy last night and today to taunt me yourself. That's why you had to pay the Cap'n to do it! :lol:
Smokey of I come to your line at the bank will I get $60 if I only ask for $50 :guffaw:

You might get more than that if you don't quit being so smart!
How much is Speedy paying you for this?!


How did I get involved in this?
All I did last night was post my pics, capped "A Little Murder", started a one shot story for fanfics, played some computer games, read some of "Duma Key" and went to sleep.

Then I wake up with 3 voice messages on my cell and now what am I doing? I'm at the office, ON MY DAY OFF, to fix a page that was sent wrong to the printer and what do I see? I'm being accused of paying Jacquie to pick on Smokey and I haven't even been on here since last night.

:guffaw:eek:h thank you speedy I haven't had a laugh like that in awhile

And Smokey I will not tell you how much money is changing hands :)
How did I get involved in this?
All I did last night was post my pics, capped "A Little Murder", started a one shot story for fanfics, played some computer games, read some of "Duma Key" and went to sleep.

Then I wake up with 3 voice messages on my cell and now what am I doing? I'm at the office, ON MY DAY OFF, to fix a page that was sent wrong to the printer and what do I see? I'm being accused of paying Jacquie to pick on Smokey and I haven't even been on here since last night.

Ummmm....Speedy, I think your little hissy fit belongs in the Rant thread. :guffaw: Speedy's grumpy without Rogen. When does he come home from camp?
Whoa so I'm totally late for this them I'm gonna sit this one out. And join in on the next theme. Great pictures everyone. Snagged most of them. :bolian:
Praise Jesus!!
(see versatile didn't I tell you?)

I'm back on my computer. It's older, and slower than the borrowed one. But IT'S MINE! And now I can cap and chat on Yahoo and look at smut (you know if I wanted to) to my hearts content! Hurray!
Here we go Ladies - winners are here. I'm handing Nick over a few hours early cos I'm good like that :p

Honourable mentions go to blackflag for the arm porn from WEGG, and to Deidre for the Cool Change pic.

Steph from one of my favourite Nickcentric episodes
Jacquie ooh - arms and chocolate too
Smokey so many good caps from that particular scene
CSI1 bookgirl for the beautiful profile
Speedy I wrestled between this one and the winning shot...

...but Princess won out with this. Buzz, open neck white shirt and of course the ID :D

Enjoy Nick - he's winging his way over with his credentials fully endorsed :thumbsup:

See?? You were too busy last night and today to taunt me yourself. That's why you had to pay the Cap'n to do it! :lol:

:guffaw:eek:h thank you speedy I haven't had a laugh like that in awhile

Ummmm....Speedy, I think your little hissy fit belongs in the Rant thread. :guffaw: Speedy's grumpy without Rogen. When does he come home from camp?

So lets see, I just want to make sure I have this right: I'm accused of paying Jacquie to taunt Smokey, then for just babbling
, I'm accused of being too busy to actually do the taunting that I had no intention of doing in the first place, gave Jacquie a good laugh (which also, wasn't my intention) at my expense, I'm accused of going off topic and should put my "hissy fit" where it belongs and NOW I'm being accused of being GRUMPY, because Rogen isn't with me. Yeah, Rogen being gone is the reason I'm GRUMPY, :rolleyes: oh no, it has nothing to do with you and Jacquie's little
that you two have decided to include me in. *sigh* Well

Now Princess, congratulations on winning, great pic because it has so many things to love about it. :thumbsup: See George is happy too
Well, imagine my surprise to see that I won. It's been awhile for me. So forgive me if I really really enjoy my time with my prize.....thanks Yoshi for selecting me by the way.

Now then onto the theme....I've got an eye spy challenge....the letter "L". 12 in 30 hours or could be more or less depending on how things go.

Happy hunting.
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