George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Morning y'all

Thanks for your thoughts and comments. I can just see Thomas having fun with all the other Ward pets. They're all in good hands :)

I feel a little chocolate may be in order for the next theme. Sweet and soothing.

12 pics in 24 hours folks.

Yoshi you did good in choosing the theme. Just what Nick ordered :)

some chocolate with a very nice looking shoulder
some High and Low chocolate
intense chocolate
chocolate with a side order of brow action
sad chocolate
cowboy chocolate

Well I'm going to spend the day working on caps that I did yesterday. I'm at the store today and I don't expect it to be busy at all. Tomorrow is a holiday so people are taking a 4 day weekend. More Nick time for me :)

Steph have a good time in Paris :)
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Steph have fun in Paris. How long will you be there because I'm going there too in 2 weeks. :)

Jacquie so sorry to hear about Thomas. :(

Could have used this today. The water. :D It was so warm!
Congratulations Yoshi! Great theme.

I'm going to post my first set before I leave for work. My vacation is over.

Steph, have fun in Paris.

First set:
with a little Stoker thrown in
you seriously didn't page me from the across the hall
chocolate 3
close enough for you?
dead serious eyes
scared chocolate
Nick story time :)

I had my computer open at work and one of the cats is sleeping by it. Two young customers, at least for me :D, were petting Becky and noticed my computer. They were like oh Nick Stokes :) So I had to say oh you've found my fix :) One of the young men was inquiring about the job posting we have. He was going to bribe me not to tell the hubby if he got the job. I did say the hubby already knows :D I did say what's surprising is that they knew who Nick was as most people don't. The did say he's got a good jaw, which he does and he's a good low key actor. Bonus for George because you're being recognized for being low key :)
Thanks for all the well wishes about my holiday Ladies, I'm really excited, hehe, I'm such a big kid, we're staying in Disneyland... :lol: I'm really looking forward to it, but I'll miss you Ladies, and Nicky alot... *Big hugs* Unfortunately Marns, I'm only there until Friday night, just a short break. I'll be on in the morning to say a proper goodbye to you all. :D
Jacquie, I'm sorry about your kitty.

I hope when you feel ready, you take a trip to the local animal shelter and rescue a kitty. There's a lot of them that need homes.
Jacquie, I'm sorry about your kitty.

I hope when you feel ready, you take a trip to the local animal shelter and rescue a kitty. There's a lot of them that need homes.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and comments today they've been much appreciated :)

myfuturecsi between home and our store we have 5 more cats. At the moment I'm not planning on getting another one but if one comes our way......who knows what will happen

breaks out the secret stash :)

Great pics...............I literally had to dragged away from my computer by a friend....she tried.but she got hooked too..........what ca I say....This thread is more addictive than morphine.:devil::devil::devil::drool::drool::drool:

Anywayz, on not so happy note: I leaving TalkCsi for 2 months (Tommorow, Juy 1st) to go to Europe and unfortunatly I wont be able to log on for a while...and yes I will miss it....especially the Ward threads:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Sadly, I will miss all the good pics that you guys will be posting while I'm away :( ...(Buh bye Nicky...and Greggo and every other hot guy on CSI)

Where I'm going to - only a few folks heard of CSI, if any, sadly.

Anywayz, I hope you guys have a great summer.

Keep this summer Hot with great pics :thumbsup:

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