George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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A good wet soggy morning to everyone :)

Yup it's again. I think we've had rain sometime during the day for 10 out of 14 days. We're starting to spout fins and webbed feet :D

Sorry Captain, it's partly cloudy and
here. Well at least until tonight when the storms blow in.

Ok everyone, go vote in the icon challenge. There are some great icons there.

So, when I was capping that video from Monaco I noticed something.

Don't think our Georgie is off the market because the woman in this pic looks an awful lot like Monica. Guess we don't get a chance with him :scream: :lol: and the breakup rumors were a little false. Oh well, if it is her, which I'm pretty confident it is, than he's happy and that's all us Ward girls want for him.
Hmmm...not sure if it's her or not, but good eye, Speedy!

So is anyone entering the Meanies icon challenge? :D I've sent one in...might work on some more.
Thanks for brightening my day ladies! I'm on vacation next week so that's helping a lot, too.

Eight players so an honorable mention goes to Steph with her Revenge is Best Served Cold helmet shot

Runners up:
Speedy They say laugh lines are a bad thing. Um I don't think so
[URL=""]Deidre[/URL] So pretty!!
Smokey Gotta love a man who enjoys his work
Yoshi Just a little peep of a smile, enough to tweak the dimples :D
Blackflag Now thats a real genuine smile
MsCatherineBrown oooh Nick, a pretty suit, Greg and a huge smile. So close Ms. Cath!

The winner is Jacquie cause I'm a sucker for a shy smile, and just... damn
Oh Happy Ward dance :) I'm on a roll at the moment :D

So new theme. I think I would like to see Nick and the lab rats and to here what they have to say. It's time for some laughs again :) 12 pics in 24 hours. Happy hunting :) while Nick and I are busy with other things :)
Smokey, I'll be entering the meanies icon challenge once I make sure that all 3 icons actually made it into my photobucket account. I've been having trouble getting my third one in! :scream:

Theme pics:
Greg, buddy, you're home movies are downright painful to watch!
Henry, I've told you before, you've got to replace this more often.
How did that get in there?
Are you sure that's all they said?
Hodges, you know I don't believe anything you say.

I've got to go search for the 6th one since bookgirl used what I was going to use!


This is the last time. Remind me to never make a bet with you again!
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great timing on the theme Jacquie, came in here after your advice to cheer up after the death of baby chicken george. the lovely pictures and silly captions certainly help a bit :)
My last set before I go completely insane! :scream: Photobucket on this computer (the '98) is less than half the speed as on Vista. I just spent 40 minutes looking for these 6 pics. :wtf:

Them pics:
If you analyse now I promise to work on my handwriting later
Hodges. Just tell me what the Ward girls said
Archie, at least your home movies are more interesting than Gregs are
Remember you promised not to show anyone!
Nick:I know you've hidden my gun in here somewhere Bobby (Warrick: Don't you dare tell him!)

Now off to bed and hopefully not getting awakened once an hour by a lonely black cat! (not Thomas - he's being an angel right now. He even started eating cat food today.)

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