George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Haha, well just make sure your hubby isn't there when Nicky comes around, that way you won't get in trouble... :p :lol:
:lol: Don't that time he probably driving around bringing stuff to friends ;) so I have time alone with Nick :p

Babs, great of you to pop in and for doing the caps for us, however, Nicky is with me right now and I'm not willing to give him up.

So sorry! :)
:( and if I put on my puppyeyes, and give you my sweetest look :guffaw: does that help? :p ;)
Smokey said:
So I'm flipping through the new CSI magazine (100 pages!) and I think there are two, yeah two, pics of Nick in it.

But oh yeah, there are TEN pages (yes, pages) about Sara/Jorja who isn't even ON the show anymore!

Only two? :scream: That's just not right! The first mag he was supposed to be on the cover but they changed it and put Sara on there. But at least he got an article that time!
:lol: Don't that time he probably driving around bringing stuff to friends ;) so I have time alone with Nick :p

Babs, great of you to pop in and for doing the caps for us, however, Nicky is with me right now and I'm not willing to give him up.

So sorry! :)
:( and if I put on my puppyeyes, and give you my sweetest look :guffaw: does that help? :p ;)

Ummm, lets see, will that help? Nope! The joys of having this with you :drool:

And Smokey, I haven't gotten my new CSI magazine yet, so thanks for ruining it for me. :p :guffaw: Just kidding. You know it's really time for these people to let her go. 10 pages, what a joke! Now if it was in the first issue, I could understand, but please. So does that mean if she guest stars on an episode we'll get like 20 pages about her. Ugh!

And only 2 pics of him? That's downright criminal. Gee, they interviewed him in the first issue and that was only like 3 pages. Now lets see if in the next issue they completely forget about Warrick and don't give him 10 pages for not being on the show anymore.
Babs, great of you to pop in and for doing the caps for us, however, Nicky is with me right now and I'm not willing to give him up.

So sorry! :)
:( and if I put on my puppyeyes, and give you my sweetest look :guffaw: does that help? :p ;)

Ummm, lets see, will that help? Nope! The joys of having this with you :drool:

And Smokey, I haven't gotten my new CSI magazine yet, so thanks for ruining it for me. :p :guffaw: Just kidding. You know it's really time for these people to let her go. 10 pages, what a joke! Now if it was in the first issue, I could understand, but please. So does that mean if she guest stars on an episode we'll get like 20 pages about her. Ugh!

And only 2 pics of him? That's downright criminal. Gee, they interviewed him in the first issue and that was only like 3 pages. Now lets see if in the next issue they completely forget about Warrick and don't give him 10 pages for not being on the show anymore.
:( Oh well, next time when it's my turn again, and you want him, or someone wants to send him over to you to see youre okay I also say NO :p :guffaw: just kidding, enjoy Nicky girl ;)
And Smokey, I haven't gotten my new CSI magazine yet, so thanks for ruining it for me. :p :guffaw: Just kidding. You know it's really time for these people to let her go. 10 pages, what a joke! Now if it was in the first issue, I could understand, but please. So does that mean if she guest stars on an episode we'll get like 20 pages about her. Ugh!

And only 2 pics of him? That's downright criminal. Gee, they interviewed him in the first issue and that was only like 3 pages. Now lets see if in the next issue they completely forget about Warrick and don't give him 10 pages for not being on the show anymore.

Hey you should be thankful you get the magazine. I don't think it's available in Canada. I sure I could try and subscribe to it but does it ship to Canada that's the real question. And if they are only going to have two pics of our guy is it worth the money. I'm sure it is if you want 10 pages of Jorja which I don't want. Oh well I've indulged myself by making caps of Who Are You, so if you're all good I share some with you later :)
Hey you should be thankful you get the magazine. I don't think it's available in Canada. I sure I could try and subscribe to it but does it ship to Canada that's the real question. And if they are only going to have two pics of our guy is it worth the money. I'm sure it is if you want 10 pages of Jorja which I don't want. Oh well I've indulged myself by making caps of Who Are You, so if you're all good I share some with you later :)

Well for crying out loud, Cap'n!! If you had told me that BEFORE I went to the post office today.... :rolleyes:

You don't want to subscribe, because you'll only get two Vegas issues a year (unless you're a fan of the others too). It has other fun articles tho, and at least the last issue had a few pages of Nick, so maybe the next one will.

They do have a "vote for your favorite whatever" section this month. You have to email them your answers tho...I don't think it's on the website. I thought I would post the questions if people want to answer them. In the Merchandise section, I guess, but I didn't know if anyone would see them there. Would it be okay to start a thread for it in the Vegas section?
Smokey I watch NY and tolerate Miami. I know people love Miami I just can't stand it. I think my hubby enjoys Emily Procter and I would want to deprive him of his fix since he tolerates my fix :) So the magazine is probably not worth the money as you say. Now as to the thread you best bet is to ask TallyHo or Destiny neither of them bits. Snaps yes but no bitting is allowed by mods :lol:

And how was your lovely trip to said post office. Did you get all your male business done :) And again I say thanks :)

a theme we haven't done in awhile
likewise this hasn't been done either
for the back fans
Smokey I watch NY and tolerate Miami. I know people love Miami I just can't stand it.

Well, since the cable went out this afternoon which meant no TV or internet, I was forced to sweep and dust as you suggested earlier. Thanks a lot! But I also perused the mag some more and there were TWO pages on Miami.

And how was your lovely trip to said post office. Did you get all your male business done :) And again I say thanks :)

I did, thank you! The postal guy choked on his candy snack when I came up to the counter, then looked at the guy at the station next to him and said, "He thought he was about to get a promotion!" :lol:

Nice caps, Cap'n! Post some more!
Thanks for all the gorgeous caps. :D They made me happy. :D :lol: Oh now I'm pretty annoyed that I missed the first issue of the mag, therefore the one with the interview with George. :( Who are there interviews with this time? 10 pages on Jorja, that's an outrage, that would put me off buying it... But there is an interview with Marg I hear, so that would balance it out... But only 2 pics of our Nicky. :(

Some random caps.

Some hand porn for Smokey. Oh and just one more. ;)
Nice caps, Cap'n! Post some more!

Thanks Smokey I was going to do another show but there were 4 of these that wanted to go out onto the back deck. Our deck is cat proof and they are only allowed out when we want to let them out. And it is a nice day today. Saturday and Monday are a hole different story
and Monday's a holiday as well :scream: oh well it's a day away for the store :)

come on Greg when is it going to be my turn
that's better Greg :rommie:
don't worry Nick your Ward Girls will protect
and the little guy will help as well
Thanks for all the gorgeous caps. :D They made me happy. :D :lol: Oh now I'm pretty annoyed that I missed the first issue of the mag, therefore the one with the interview with George. :( Who are there interviews with this time? 10 pages on Jorja, that's an outrage, that would put me off buying it... But there is an interview with Marg I hear, so that would balance it out... But only 2 pics of our Nicky. :(

There are articles on just about everyone else...Gary, Eric, and Louise (um, isn't she gone too?) I know for sure.

And I missed the first issue too. Had to buy it on eBay.

Thanks for the hand porn! :D

Cute!! And yes, you're going to be getting all the rain that I'm getting right now. Be prepared!

Does anyone have a Myspace? Mine's all decked out in George. (What's up with that shirt George? :))

Well, you already know that I do! :lol: Such computer geeks we are!
Smokey said:
Cute!! And yes, you're going to be getting all the rain that I'm getting right now. Be prepared!

We're going to get it too! :( I hate rain and it has been doing it a lot lately here. (Love that pic btw!)

Does anyone have a Myspace? Mine's all decked out in George. (What's up with that shirt George? :))

Well, you already know that I do! :lol: Such computer geeks we are![/quote]

Yep I do! *sigh* The way he looks at a computer screen is sexy too....
Glad you enjoyed the pics Smokey. Kristine I have myspace, but I hardly ever go on, anyhoo, here's a link to my page.

Well I'm really tired, so I'm going to go off to bed now. Goodnight and Sweet Nicky filled dreams to all of you when you go to bed. :D

A few pics before I go to sleep.
Okay, I simply MUST have a screencap of Nick holding Hodges up. The look on poor Hodges' face was hilarious!!

And there appeared to be quite a bit of openness in this episode. :D
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