George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Ok, all I can say abou this episode is OMG. Yup, I think that says it all.

Now since there are some impatient people around here I better post the winners, I hope I didn't forget everyone and identified all the pics correctly.

Wow, there's eight of you so honorable mention goes to AC for her *sunglasses & a vest* pic. I wish it was my hands he was holding.

Runners up:
Jacquie There's all that hoopla again.
Blackflag I hope he's looking for me. I'm right here Nicky!
Princess :drool: Yup, that says it all
Bookgirl Don't know what it is about this pic, but I love it.
Yoshi Wow, those sunnies and the look on his face. Who could resist him? Not me!
MsCatherineBrown Ok, I'm trying really hard to notice the accessories in this pic,

But the winning pic goes to Smokey, because, I don't know, this pic just seems to summon me for some reason! And I'm more than willing to answer that call. So Congratulations Smokey and Nicky is on his way to you.
stokesgirl said:
MsCatherineBrown Ok, I'm trying really hard to notice the accessories in this pic,

Exactly! Trying to behave here! ;)

stokesgirl said:
But the winning pic goes to Smokey, because, I don't know, this pic just seems to summon me for some reason! And I'm more than willing to answer that call. So Congratulations Smokey and Nicky is on his way to you.

Congrats Smokey! Enjoy Nick!
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Awwww...thanks, Speedy! And after I was mean to you and everything.

So, as I've told some of you, I'm going away for the weekend to a folk festival. Yeah, I'm a hippie at heart.

BUT, being the dedicated Ward girl that I am, I called the hotel tonight to see if they have a computer I can use while I'm there! :lol: So I'll check in from the guestimate on a time frame is...30 hours? So Saturday morning?

This was the first theme I ever got to name, and we haven't had this specific one for a while, so gimme some crouching, girls! :devil:
I'm back!!

Hi all, it's been a while, I come back just as the season ends...but I'm still here:)

and as always lovely pics :)

oh and last weekend I turned past SoapNet, and what movie did I come across 45 minutes into it?

Just A Walk In The Park!!

I have DirecTv, and in the guide it didn't say the movie was I watched the rest with my mom...she thinks he's perfect :)

any way, it was the first time I saw the movie, it was cute, and George is cute :)

ok well i'll post some more on Friday, i'll try to be much more regular in here from now on.

peace out :cool:

Hi all, well my hubby is back :D, but he is so tired he wanted to sleep for one hour, so I thought, kids a sleep, hubby a sleep, let's drool and cap for the wardladies...So just CLICK HERE and enjoy and see yall tommorow
Hi all, well my hubby is back :D, but he is so tired he wanted to sleep for one hour, so I thought, kids a sleep, hubby a sleep, let's drool and cap for the wardladies...So just CLICK HERE and enjoy and see yall tommorow

Oh Babs wonderful as always. Give your hubby and kids a
from all of us so you could get some Ward business done :)

Here are the rest of my theme pics

crouching down at Nigel's
words fail me for this pic
yes he is crouching
technically more of a lean than a crouch but.....
all together now....look out Nick
yup there is rain in the forecast Nick
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