George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Smokey said:
He looks like he's feeling him up! :lol:

:lol: Looked a bit uncomfortable to me. Poor Nick. I think he wanted to deck Hodges!

I love the line at the beginning:
Nick "Crime scene at a funeral, can't get much deader than this." :guffaw:
But, by Friday my memory doesn't last that long. :thumbsup:


blackflag it certainly sounds the kids have been at it this week either that or you computer is still

So Nick yummyness from last night

Hodges you need to go on a diet :guffaw:
wtf is going on :wtf:
open Nick
after all these years still betting
ok who's keys are these
I had to write things down just to remember the episode last night.

Theme pics:
crouching #7 :drool:
crouching #8
crouching #9
crouching #10
crouching #11
crouching #12


ETA: Jacquie, the computer's actually been pretty good this week. I get in some weird loop thingy where it continually downloads ads and I have to reboot but other than that the pages are still coming up all the way. As for the kids lets just say that Victoria hit puberty last night! :alienblush:
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Firstly have you girlies left me any pics to post? :p I have been out all day and come on to find like no pics left... :p But I'll try... :lol: Secondly, thanks so much for the pics for the new ep Babs!! :D *Big hugs* Thirdly, Bookgirl, as you know, I have to say Nicky's rear is my biggest fetish, so I am totally in love with your banner, good choice. ;)

Ok, down to my first batch of theme pics:

Taking fingerprints. He looks so cute. <3
Crouching with Greggo. :D
I'm pretty sure he's crouching here... *I think... :confused:*
Gathering evidence with Warrick.
Crouching beside the truck.
Some added hand porn for good measure.
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We're sorry. We didn't mean to steal all the pics ;)

This should make you feel a little better.

Certainly makes me smile :D
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