George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Accessories, you say?

Greg! Oh, vest, kit
Handcuffs and whatever else he's got hanging around there! :devil:
Gun and wristband
Name it, it's there! :lol:
Camera and watch

Sorry, MsSpeedyStokesgirl.
It won't happen again! :D
Taking the high road here... :rolleyes:

Last set...NOW what do I do for the next 29 hours and fifty minutes?

Goggles, ring, watch, wristband
Ring, watch, wristband It's an alliteration theme! :lol:
Ring, watch, pepper spray, muscles...
Sunglasses, watch, brush
Belt and jacket

Ohh i just had a thought!
re: your handcuffs pic Smokey maybe the belt buckle got bigger recently since our Nicky utilizes his belt as a carry all- cell, gun, handcuffs, etc.
He must have needed the bigger buckle for more support. :guffaw:

She's testing the new moderator. :lol:
eta; Smokey the Ward is still Destiny's domain. I can get hosed jsut as easily as you guys :lol:

Yes, but I'm sure you are required to report violations like any good off duty officer would! :lol:

Last set...NOW what do I do for the next 29 hours and fifty minutes?

Ummm, MsHandFetish, did we not just give you a bunch of ideas to do on your vacation? I mean you're kind of getting greedy with wanting ideas, aren't you? :guffaw:

Well, I can't exactly DO most of them now that Nick's gone. :( Hey yeah, thanks for pointing that out and making me cry!
Last set...NOW what do I do for the next 29 hours and fifty minutes?

Ummm, MsHandFetish, did we not just give you a bunch of ideas to do on your vacation? I mean you're kind of getting greedy with wanting ideas, aren't you? :guffaw:

Well, I can't exactly DO most of them now that Nick's gone. :( Hey yeah, thanks for pointing that out and making me cry!
Aww you poor dear, I'm sure you'll get to see Nicky again soon. ;) Now now don't cry honey. Have a big bear hug from Steph.

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