George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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on winning Speedy :) awesome pic and Nick is just over joyed with excitement He's jsut not good at showing it sometimes :guffaw:

Kristine the challenge of picking the theme winner is not suppose to be easy :guffaw:

...and congratulations oh Speedy one.

bet you're enjoying yourself right now. :D
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Are we supposed to believe you choose speedy speedy Stokesgirl for her pic and not just cause you liked her name? :lol: Hmmm sure. :D

Just kidding, congrats Speedy

And to you too Moderator Jacquie, official Capt'n of the Ward

Are we supposed to believe you choose speedy speedy Stokesgirl for her pic and not just cause you liked her name? :lol: Hmmm sure. :D

Just kidding, congrats Speedy

And to you too Moderator Jacquie, official Capt'n of the Ward


bookgirl are you suggesting that there was some sort of kissing going on here so that Speedy won :guffaw:

And thanks everyone for the congrats :)

Kristine I see from you current avatar that you are a lover of red porn :drool:
Oh gosh! Congratulations, MsBubbleBuster!
What will the next theme be? Q? Stealing things?? Crushing a Ward girl's hopes and dreams for dirty pictures??? The possibilities are endless! :guffaw:
Jacquie said:
Kristine I see from you current avatar that you are a lover of red porn :drool:

Oh yes! :drool::drool: Smokey made me that sweet avi (thanks again!). Love, love the red porn!

BTW, congratulations Jacquie, I meant to say it in my winners post but forgot, sorry bout that!
Wow, I won? That is so cool! Thanks CSI Stokes Girl!

Now that I'm done interviewing a person I can post my theme.

Lets see a new theme, here's one we haven't done in awhile: How about George, Nick, etc. wearing an accessory. I'll leave that up to your imagination.

Lets say 12 in about 30 hours.

Now, don't trample
each other posting.
Everyone's got spanking hot new avis. Better get my rear end in gear and sort one out. :D
Better still, bribe our Smokey - *bats eyelashes*

*that won't work*

Oh Smokey

Hi - wanna help out a Ward girl?

*crosses fingers* ;)

Oh. Oh my.
Feeling a bit faint here! :drool:

Okay, I'm okay. No need to beg. I'm up for a challenge! But, just FYI, mine are pretty simple. I'm not up to the fancy tasks. That would be MsBubbleBuster. :lol:

ETA: OHHHH! And the Cap'n
comes through too!
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Everyone's got spanking hot new avis. Better get my rear end in gear and sort one out. :D
Better still, bribe our Smokey - *bats eyelashes*

*that won't work*

Oh Smokey

Hi - wanna help out a Ward girl?

*crosses fingers* ;)

Oh. Oh my.
Feeling a bit faint here! :drool:

Okay, I'm okay. No need to beg. I'm up for a challenge! But, just FYI, mine are pretty simple. I'm not up to the fancy tasks. That would be MsBubbleBuster. :lol:

There's the MsBubbleBuster remark again. Pushing it aren't ya?

Yoshi, I'd be happy to make you one if you like and you don't have to bribe me. Avatar or banner.

Just pic out pics and what you want it to say. Avatars are limited though because you can't load them from photobucket like you can the banners.

Whoever you pick is fine with me and Smokey you do a good job so don't sell yourself short. See I gave you a compliment despite this new nickname you gave me. :lol:
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