George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Wow, it looks like Captain Jacquie has been promoted big time!
Look who's happy for you and
who's rushing to celebrate with you,
though I think he started without you
Becareful when posting in the Miscellaneous thread
or the long arm of Moderator Jacquie will rain down upon you

Now that your a moderator, don't get too big for your britches or we won't play nice in the Ward :guffaw:

Moderator Jacquie! We're so proud of you!

Now let's celebrate!
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Oh joy!! Now we can do whatever we want here in the Ward! 'Cause we've got a mod on our payroll! :lol:

Let's party!!


Congrats, Captain Jacquie! (This deserves your full respectful title!) Now that you've got your instructions to keep an eye on us in the misc. thread, I hope we won't test your patience too much! :lol:
Congratz on being a moderator Jacquie...oh boy does that mean that you are also allowd to turn on the hose ;)
Congratz on being a moderator Jacquie...oh boy does that mean that you are also allowd to turn on the hose ;)

I'm not sure she should be allowed to turn the hose on us. Wouldn't she have to turn it on herself too? ;) After all - she's as bad as the rest of us. :guffaw:

Sorry guys to burst your bubble, she moderates the MISC forum, her payroll stops at the door (unless she is unofficially helping us out when we need it), as to the hose, no no no thats my job and hitting you all with wierd stuff is my fun, errr punishment. :D

Congrats on the promotion Jacquie.
That's a relief Destiny, you hit us with enough "weird stuff". Oh, and the next time you do spray us with your "weird stuff" could you try to keep it out ouf my computer. It's been acting real nice this week and I'd like to keep it that way. :rolleyes: It worries the cats when I start yelling at inanimate objects like the computer because it doesn't work right. :lol:

Hmm the weaknesses are being released. :guffaw:

I will promise to think about it. ;)
Congratz on being a moderator Jacquie...oh boy does that mean that you are also allowd to turn on the hose ;)

I'm not sure she should be allowed to turn the hose on us. Wouldn't she have to turn it on herself too? ;) After all - she's as bad as the rest of us. :guffaw:


There is no way I would take the pleasure away from Destiny. I know she looks forward to a good
You all are killing me! How am I supposed to choose just one? :)

Runners up:

A_C with this beautiful close up shot
Smokey cause, yea, :drool:
Jacquie beautiful shot and love that epi!
MsCathBrown because that shirt and those jeans :drool:

And the winner is:
Stokesgirl because, well, do I really have to say it? :drool::drool: Also, love the caption/name you gave it!

Y'all made it so hard but I now pass Nick on to stokesgirl. Enjoy!
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