George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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I just know how us ladies think and I didn't want anybody to get hosed.

Anyway, on to my last batch:

Princess, speaking of getting hosed (and in keeping with my reputation), I'm surprised you didn't post this open pic! :lol: Two for the price of one! I know it's not what we thought, but it's still nice. :D
Welcome back, Blackflag. *Waves* Thanks for more gorgeous pics. :D
Ohhh Smokey, that is a gorgeous pic... :drool: What ep is that from?

Steph, that was originally posted by Princess. It's from "Living Doll". At first we thought his lower buttons were undone too, but *someone* burst our bubble and pointed out that it's just a reflection. :p

Still...enlarge it and take a look! :D

ETA: So I got confused and welcomed Bookgirl back by accident, then deleted the whole thing. So welcome back, Blackflag! :)
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I'll never be able to live that down.....that made me feel like such an idiot.

No no no! It's a good thing!! I saw what you saw, and I liked what I saw. :thumbsup: I don't care what Miss Bubblebuster says! :p

Besides, like Steph says, it's hot! :drool:
I'll never be able to live that down.....that made me feel like such an idiot.

No no no! It's a good thing!! I saw what you saw, and I liked what I saw. :thumbsup: I don't care what Miss Bubblebuster says! :p

Besides, like Steph says, it's hot! :drool:

Hey, Smokey who was the Miss Bubblebuster? Hmmmm? I see your picking on me again!

You know, you better stop picking on me or I'll throw something at you and never talk to you again

You don't think I was hoping the same thing?

Leave me alone!
Welcome back, Blackflag. *Waves* Thanks for more gorgeous pics. :D
Ohhh Smokey, that is a gorgeous pic... :drool: What ep is that from?

Steph, that was originally posted by Princess. It's from "Living Doll". At first we thought his lower buttons were undone too, but *someone* burst our bubble and pointed out that it's just a reflection. :p

Still...enlarge it and take a look! :D
Ooooh I never noticed that *before*, hehe lets forget it's a reflection, it's better that way around. ;) :lol:
Hey, Smokey who was the Miss Bubblebuster? Hmmmm? I see your picking on me again!

You know, you better stop picking on me or I'll throw something at you and never talk to you again
Leave me alone!

Are you talking to me? 'Cause I think you're talking to me. Don't make me come over there!

Okay, can't we all just be friends??

Look! I mowed the lawn today!

Friends? Friends with you? Ok!

Um Smokey, the mustache and beard are not working for you. I think you need to shave!

I knew exactly what the first pic was going to be.
Evening all (depending on time zone of course!) :D

Late entry for me today because work has been a nasty wee beastie :scream:


Congratulations Babs on the new nephew/niece, and welcome back blackflag.

Good evening and good night :)
Aww, congrats Babs!! :D *Hugs* just a quick little post incase Yoshi is still around and would like to post more theme pics... :D
Wow I go away for a bit and I miss Smokey mowing the lawn :guffaw:That would have been a site to see. Now I will admit I only saw a georgeous reflection in this loverly pic. I think Smokey you must have been smoking some of the Sweet Mary Jane Nick and company were collecting :guffaw:
Wow I go away for a bit and I miss Smokey mowing the lawn :guffaw:That would have been a site to see. Now I will admit I only saw a georgeous reflection in this loverly pic. I think Smokey you must have been smoking some of the Sweet Mary Jane Nick and company were collecting :guffaw:

How's that go...the eye sees what the mind knows? Something like that. Works for me! :D

Geeze...just imagine if I *had* been on something! :lol:

On second thought...don't. :eek:
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