George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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blackflag said:
Jacquie, I was going to use that puppy dog eyes pic and for the same reason! :lol:

Well considering we have thought alike on a number of times and our name really is Jacquie blackflag McStokes it's not surprising :) Speaking of McStokes I wonder if she will be let out for good behaviour for tonights show :lol:
I'm free!! I can watch in real time!! So excited. Got off the shooting range early today (shooting AR-15's...they look like really mean machine guns!) just so I could come home, relax, and drool all over my TV screen!
I became a CSI Level 2 earlier today and just realized it. And look - Nicky even seems happpy about it. :lol:

Glad to see you get to watch it realtime McStokes. Just remember, stay out of the episode thread unless you want us to have to remove more knives. :lol:

Thanks so much Else . It worked. Thanks for all the pictures too ladies, I know I don't post a lot but I do come in and look. I have really become a big Nick fan in the last few years. I like looking at all the pictures from the themes.

Since it is a picture thread, I am going to try my hand at the theme

I don't know I just love watching these two
The lighting, the shirt, the eyelashes...
it's the brown eyes all the way
I like the double exposure, the look of concentration
The emotion, the acting... I just really like this scene I think GE really set the character of Nick with this scene, I would not have decided Nick was my favorite if this scene was not played out this way.

I hope I have no repeats.
wowh I am learning a lot today, should I sign up for one of those handcuffing classes you guys were talking about?
Amy nice avatar and great job on the pics :) By all means sign up for the classes. The more the merrier :devil:
Hi everybody...Oke I am going to look at your themepics now, but first wanna give you the link to my photobucket for the caps I made from Nicky in Dead god what an epi that was...Hope you enjoy the caps... CLICK HERE

Oke I am back...I had three wardladies that had great pics... I had to choice between Jacquie, Blackflag and Yoshi...I am not in much time sorry so I just tell who won..

Blackflag Its such...yeah dont who to tell it...So human, so....well I quess you all know what I mean...Congratz blackflag..>Nick is on his way back to you, a little bit tired :p ;)
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