George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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Happy Birthday OnlyTruth

just came in really quick this morning to get my fill of Nicky, :lol: have to start working in about 2 hours...i need some i am gettin smilling Nicky energy :lol:
Thanks for the birthday greetings, everyone. And Jacquie, :lol: I'm still laughing (and, for all the new Ward folks - it's funny because I am the one who made that birthday Nick pic. And one of the many reasons we love Jacquie so much is that she remembers things like that - luv ya JS).

Turning 40 is easier knowing that GE did it first.
:lol: Howdy Ward and
hope you have a nice and wonderful day ;)

and for all canadians have nice days :)

sorry my late here, but my connection is from time to time bad i don´t know why :rolleyes: it nervs.
Hey Stoky. It's always nice to see you. (one of your posts :lol:) I hope your computer problem's being fixed soon. I hate it when my connection is being annoying.

OnlyTruth thanks for explaining. Nice to hear another story. :) For your birthday.
Hello everyone! I have decided that I am a stalker because I have pictures of George's nephews and his brother-in-law. :lol:
Marns :lol: thanks for this loveley welcome, oh you knowing sometimes i make speciall postings hmm :lol:

i dont know if it works with the pic? i´ll try it ;) here for the canadians

oh and welcome here evel_queen27 you have what??? :lol: hmm please can you show us here the pics, think we all like to see them and we are curious. I´ve seen you have a mypsace side i like it :)

And also Blackflag wow, new Icon ;) loveley

nice and loveley Nicky greetings ;)
Yes, Happy Canada Day! I am proudly flying my Canadian flag outside my house, here in the USA. My Great grandma was Canadian and in her honor/memory I fly it.
OnlyTruth said:
Thanks for the birthday greetings, everyone. And Jacquie, :lol: I'm still laughing (and, for all the new Ward folks - it's funny because I am the one who made that birthday Nick pic. And one of the many reasons we love Jacquie so much is that she remembers things like that - luv ya JS).

Turning 40 is easier knowing that GE did it first.

Thanks OT luv ya too :) I'm closer to 50 than 40 and I not finding it a big deal. It's just another number :)

Stoky thanks for the happy Canada Day greetings. My you are very talented with you computer :)

I think out of respect for the privacy of GE's brother-in-law and nephews I don't think we need to see pics of them. I think if anyone wants to see them the should be pm'd. Just my thoughts :)
Evening ladies :)

Results a little later than anticipated as I'm on call for work and got called back in for a missing person.

Anyhooos - belated birthday greetings Only Truth - I turn 40 at the end of this year and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it tbh.

'Shut up and tell us the results!' OK :D
Tough decisions because - well - they're all of Nick.

blackflag I like this simply because of the anticipation of what follows, and this because you just want to stroke that arm.
Jacqui this is from one of my favourite episodes because there's lots of Nicky in it - and it's a good story too - always helps lol.
Hard2Handle I like this as there's the beautifully sculpted arm, a little tongue and little bit of Greg - and that makes this girl very happy. ;)
Any extras thrown in are always appreciated but the winner for me is

blackflag because it's a beautiful photo and I've never seen it before - double whammy. :D

I'm returning Nicky into your care - see - I washed him so he's all fresh :p

Stoky, just want to say I really like your sig. :)
Congrats on winning Blackflag :D I'm pretty sure you'll take good care of our Nicky :p

Yoshi, please feel free to call me Nikky :D OR H2H, which ever is easier :D
You like my black and white pic. Don't remember where I found it. I've got several that I don't remember where they came from.

New Theme: I know we did sunglasses for OT not that long ago so how about Safety Glasses. Red ones or the clear ones it doesn't matter. It's always nice to see him protecting those georgous puddles of chocolate. Limit of 12. Winner sometime tomorrow, probably not until afternoon.

Jacquie, the first pic is a wonder to see first thing in the morning. I almost changed my mind on the theme! :lol:

Ah blackflag the rear end shot would have been a lovely theme and it's soooo cute to look at also :p

nice clear glasses so we can see those puddles of chocolate cleans up the drool from the keyboard.
not a happy camper with what he's found but then with children involved he never is.
catching 40 winks
look at the face and you'll find what you're looking for :lol:
it's a little on the smoky side :D

blackflag I've left my forth one in but it's the same as Marns #1 encase you can't open hers :) I hope that makes sense :)
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