George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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Hy :) and wow Jacquie good theme i love it and sure always to pic a winner :lol: is hard. So you have light in your photobucket on season 4 *hmmm* makes me giggles and i hope now i find some goodies for you ;) i make my pics a bit later. We have watched here for few minutes the rerun of Baby Bruce :lol: oh men, what a epi.

McStokes hope all is fine? :) i´ve been missing some funny commentarys here.
blackflag I know what you mean about the possibility of thunderstorms. Yesterday all the news was about the threatening storms and to be careful. We got diddle squat. The temp did cool down outside but inside I keep having to replace my buckets because of localized drooling :lol:

Yoshi nice pics and the nose and other parts, looks mighty nice to nibble on. See I told you we only nibble Nick :devil:
;) happy thanks Jacuie so i will make the second set and hope also are goodies for you

oh he looks not good
what for a face *sigh*
sorry Jim, i havn´t enough time for you - have a date with Jacquie
no words for these manly face :devil:
hahah, no chance Cathrine, Jacquie is waiting for me :D
i´ve been waiting for christmas ... brrrr it´s cole here and i need cuddles :devil: ohhh no problem Nicky, we all want to be cuddle you

that´s my last :) wish y´ll a nice night "however" :lol: and have nice Nicky Dreams
Good Morning y'all :)

Such a lovely way to wake up and look at Nick pics :) the day just starts off so well this way :) Since it looks like everyone that is going to post pics has I will go ahead and announce the winner. Here are the runners up

Stoky with a smirk on some lovely dimples
Stoky again. Some very intense thinking
Stoky again. Even though it's summer I just want to crawl into this coat and do something :devil:
Marns such a good Nick-isode. Thanks to allmaple for another word to our nicktionary :)
blackflag Some nice brow action

And the drum roll please......The winner is Yoshi A first time poster and a first time winner :) I could stare at this for a while. Beautiful profile. So congrats Yoshi Nick is now in your capable hands. Have fun picking a new theme and don't worry if we've done it before. We never get tired of Nick :)
Hey, congrats, Yoshi! It took me like.. 2 months to win my first theme, so this is a VERY good start! :D
Hy Ward :D and thanks Jacquie for these nice random pics :) i love them all. And congrats on winning Yoshi wow great start here and i´m happy with you. Now you must us Ladys give a new theme ;) so we are looking
Marns men :lol: i´ve been missing you here so nice you are now here ;)

Now i must dye my hair *sigh* oh men, i´ve so much grey hair :lol: big hug around here, we see us later
Congrats Yoshi. I remember my first win. Won with this Grave Danger pic. :D I do think just about everybody has it by now. :lol:

Jacquie, remember I said my tape of Grave Danger had problems and I was worried that it may brake the VCR. Well it may not have been the tape. The VCR broke last night while I was trying to tape Leaving Las Vegas. :( Now all it does when you touch one of the buttons is make a whirring sound and shut off. It won't even give me my tape back. :mad:

Aww.. thank you Stoky. :)

I just saw my first POST. Wow, that's pretty weird. I remember being a bit scared.. but now it feels so comfortable to come here. See Nicky/Georgie.
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