George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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I won? I won!


I'm glad you like the cap.
*gets it framed* :D
That's certainly cheered me up. Crappy day at work and nothing but rain.
Ok. New theme.
I'm glad you don't mind repeated themes - a girl can never have too much Nick. So,while he and I become acquainted, I'll ask for some nekkid arm prettiness please. Possibly not my best cap but it was getting late and I wanted his hands there too. :eek:

I'll pick a favourite on Sunday night. I'm usually on later in the evening. Seeing as it's a multinational board I'll just clarify that the time is 11pm(ish) in a very soggy England. :)
Oh Yoshi such a good theme idea. Arm Porn! Such a loverly idea. If you can send some of that rain to the Toronto area we wouldn't mind too much. It is very dry here. I'm going to wait until the morning to post my theme pics :)

blackflag Sorry about your vcr problem. At least you got your tape back :)
blackflag said:
Picked a good theme Yoshi. The only thing we may like more than his arms may just be those chocolate brown eyes. :D

Theme pics:
arms #1
arms #2
arms #3
arms #4
arms #5
arms #6

Sorry. My mind is drawing a blank on labels tonight so that's all you get. :)


I got a lable for you..."To sexy for these arms" and now I"ll have that song stuck in my head. Yes...I wanted to wind down for the evening and coming in here and looking at arm porn, or just at him in general does not help. Don't mind me as a slobber :D
Good Saturday Morning ward girls :)

It's going to be a lovely long weekend. It's Canada Day on Sunday so everyone gets Monday off. YES! an extra well deserved day off for everyone. I see I should have posted my first set last night as a couple of my standard arm porn pics have been gone. Oh well I have plenty more :D Here are my first set

arm and a bit extra :D
checking in with Yoshi to see how things are going
It's a necessary evil of life Nick
be still my beating heart
Here comes spider man
just giving the ward girls a nice look
Good morning,

just taking a quick fill of Nicky before i am off to canada day celebrations.

*is jealous of Jacquie , i only get today off :(*
Been neglecting the Ward lately, shame on me. I refuse to blame it on the absolutely beautiful day we are having in the Mid-Atlantic USA. :p

Me likey the arm porn. Blackflag - I remember picking that Grave Danger pic from you as a winner for an arm porn theme waaayyyy back. I know that pic has won other times, so that couldn't have been your first win, could it!? Man, I'm feeling old. No time to post theme picks - just putting in an appearance and saying Happy Canada Day to Jacquie and maple and any other Canadians I missed. :)
Evening all :)

I love this place!

It's so good to be able to indulge without people going 'George who?' or 'Which one's he then?'
Yes - these people do exist.

I'm examining these photos closely. Very closely. I'll probably have to go through them a few times - you know - just to get a real feel for the task in hand.
My photobucket is beginning to overflow lol - I really must spend a day putting some of these pics in order. It's a hard job, but someone has to do it. :p :D

Jacquie, I'd happily send over the rain for you - I think this place is twinned with Atlantis at the moment.
Hope everyone who is celebrating tomorrow has a great time.
I'll toddle off for a while to find a canoe as we've just had 3 severe weather warnings for my area.
See you later. x
Happy Birthday OnlyTruth :D I'm not sure if my missed any Canadians, but some of you may remember that I'm a weird Canadian Mix :lol: My dad's from Texas and my Mom's from Edmonton, I've only lived in Canada for 3 of my 21 years :rolleyes:
Happy Canada Day everyone :) Makes all the ward girls and GE honourary Canadians so you can enjoy our day :)

and here is your present The gift that keeps on giving :)
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