George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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Great pics everyone, but one of the scenes that I had in mind when I picked the theme was This posted by Stoky, congrats, Nick is now in your caring hands :lol:
Good steamy morning y'all :)

Congrats on winning Stoky I wish we would get more Greg and Nick working as a team. Maybe in season 8. Here are some random pics until we get our new theme.

the accent was so nice to hear in this
having a good chuckle
just having a snuggle before we get up
chocolate anyone
a helping hand :D
not much in the clothing dept will be required today :)

So did you realize that Monday was 6 months until Christmas. Maybe if we think of it it will help cool us down a bit. At sometime today cooler weather is suppose to move in. Fingers crossed because I hate this weather.
:lol: Jacquie i said to my mom on monday "can you believe it? it's only 6 months till christmas!" and it feels as if the weather was already christmas-like, last night was sooo cold. i forgot to close my window and pulled the sheets up almost over my head...

and to your pics, yes. i would take some chocolate ;) he looks so irresistable in that picture! *sighs*

congratz on winning Stoky
Howdy Ward :D

and wow i´ve won :lol: with these funny pic thanks Nikky :D that´s one of my favorite Nick and Greg pics because it looks so funny.

Jacquie thanks for the so nice Nicky pics make the start in the day happy and easy :) and sure 6 month and we have christmas *brrrr* i´ll agree with you, when weather is to hot, than i dislike it to, but here in Germany it is so bad and cold cathwillows righty, i´ve also forget to close my window last night, and the storm gave here the rest, my nose is red, and i´ve now get a bit cold.

Hmm now we need a new theme what want we take? I think it´s a good idea to take the Nicky with open neck :devil: special bonus many many opened buttons? What do you mean? 12 pics the limit and 24 hrs. i´ll pic the next winner. And because it is so nice i make too some randoms to give us all a happy mood

he is happy of us all
and waiting for better mood
he give us comfort
but also many happiness

happy hunting and big hug around here ;)

I've lurked for a very long time but thought I'd actually start posting now.

Have to say that this is quite possibly my favourite thread.

Time to start putting some screen caps to good use me thinks. :)
Welcome to the ward Yoshi :) Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable we don't bite but we do occasionally nibble on a certain Texan :) See McStokes for your official ward girl handcuffs :D

blackflag lunch was very nickylicious :D Gum Drops tonight. what a way to beat the heat :)

Here are the rest of my theme pics

open Nick yumminess
just having a look :D
yes Hodges I did make it back in one piece
one more in this would have been oh sooooo tempting :p :devil:
hmm what were you saying
sneaking off to Stoky's for the night
Good Morning y'all :)

Well we didn't get any storms here last night but the weather has changed and it will be a georgeous day today. Some random Nick pics while we wait on Stoky's announcement of the winner.

ah Griss did I tell you I'm afraid of heights :lol:
a nice view
little stoker coming out for a visit
in need of more than one pair of hand cuffs :devil:
getting a little behind in his work :D ok it's an old joke but what can I say :D
almost perfect needs at least one more button undone to be perfect :)
Howdy y´ll and welcome here Yoshi :) have fun and feel you free

:lol: and yes i´ll pic the winner hmm only 2 Wards make the game, but you can believe me it´s hard enough so nice open Neck pics :devil: kills me all

here the list

Blackflag loveley with black open shirt *sigh*
Jacquie oh yes one of my favorite
Blackflag again squeeee :devil: this face and so close the winning
Jacquie again ohhh you know that is good :devil:
another Blackflag again :D he looks shy but soo sexy

and the winner is........ drumroll Jacquie what can i sai it makes me so helpless :lol: :devil: thight shirt and much opened. So congrats on winning Jacquie i give Nicky now in your capable hands. Oh and btw. thanks for these cute random pics *hmmm* :devil:
Oh happy ward dance I won! Stoky I know what you mean about picking a winner. It doesn't matter if there is 2 or 5 playing it's still hard :) I know what we can do for a theme. My photobucket is light on season 4 pics so lets see what you have. The usual 12 and I will announce the winner in about 20 hours. Happy hunting :)
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