George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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Yep, I agree :D He can look like he has a major case of Indegestion and we'd be drooling over him, giving him a big ol bottle of Pepto Bismul :rolleyes: Sadly, the pics I've posted are the only theme ones I could find in my photobucket :D
morning Ward :D and big hug around here.

Nikky oh that´s nice your hubby looks alike him :D

Jacquie oh men, really not nice story and i hope so, that you´re find a possibility to make the holidays. Perhaps you find a new clever staff member than you can look further, what a bummer, when i were there by you, i really like to do that ;) But i think about you and crossfingers, that you have the possiblity. Since 7 years no holiday it´s long and hard time *big hug* :)

now i´ll make the rest of theme pics

bashful Nicky
happy and singing Nicky
a content Nicky
an amorous Nicky
a scared Nicky
a enjoyed Nicky

Wish y´ll a nice and Nicklious Saturday :)
W0w who stole my avi ;) Call Nick, he has to help me find it hihih ;)....Okay going to look where my avi is. Or better take a new one ;).
Thanks for all the nice pics to keep my sanity in this oh too long summer (yes already too long). :rolleyes:

Winner Time:

Runners up:
Stoky - It's not fair. Embarassing him and hurting him in the same episode.
Stoky again - Nicky needs a hug. I'm first! :devil:
Jacquie - He had some of the best facial expressions when confronted with the adult baby.
another one from Stoky - I can never resist Snakes. Expecially when I slept through this part the other night.
Nikky - Why is this the common opinion of most males? You were oh so close to winning. :)

Your winner is:
Jacquie - Do you realize how many times I've tried to taylor my theme to get someone to post this pic? I absolutely love this pic. Trying not to laugh at Sara's opinion of the newspaper guys 'fluff' piece. I was laughing out loud! :lol:


Nikky, hope you don't mind if I keep calling you Nikky. We're already confused on what day of the week it is around here. And I think my mother is already counting down to when school starts (it's only been just over 1 week since the end of school! :eek:)
Howdy :D and i´m so happy when you like these pics Blackflag is very good feeling. Oh sure .... :lol: dont forget na congrats on winning Jacquie yes that´s right pic i love them tooo *sigh* and you can believe i want to take this pic also ok i was to slow.

Blackflag i think our Wardlady Nikky is not mad with us, when we take the name Nikky ;) i´m right :)

So now we all waiting for new theme from Jacquie :)
:lol: No Blackflag, it's ok. I know it's a little hard to type out :D Anyways, I'd rather be called by my actual name anyways ;)

Congrats on winning Jacquie :D
Hyia and happy birthday Nikky all my best wishes for you

and here is your gift :) I know we aren't suppose to do manipulated pics but it's a special occasion :D

Oh happy ward dance I won! I'm so glad you like that pic blackflag. I remember you having posted a number of them for other themes. I think the next theme will be the buzz. It's been a while and Nick does look soooo good with it. The usual 12 and 24 hours. If things are slow here on Sunday I may wait until Monday morning to allow others to post.
Happy Birthday Nikky. Hope you have a spectacular time! :D Do something you want to! :lol:

Jacquie, do you have any idea how hard only 12 pics of the buzz is for me. I need more than 12 just to get all the ones I like from season 5. So season 7 is just going to have to wait until my next post! :lol:

Theme pics:
Our angel from heaven.
Guess before clicking. You probably know what it is. :lol:
Shy when getting a compliment from Ecklie
just look at those big wide chocolate puddles
just mesmerizing
just for you

Hey blackflag if you would like to post more than 12 be my guess. I could look at the buzz for quite a while. Thanks for 'lunch' :) I may change my wall paper so I can drool over that for while. He is just so nickylicious in that one :)
I'm glad you like lunch, Jacquie. I made an avi of it too. I did post it just for you. I have to admit that the button is the reason I have it. :devil: I wish we could convince him to have one more button undone more often.

blackflag thanks for the avi :) oh he is soooo drool worthy. I would love to see the second button undone more as well. I was so glad when you pointed that extra undone button in Crows Feet and then when I saw it in Swap Meet I had to go and force :lol: myself to re look at screen caps from those two shows to get more pics of our nickylicious eye candy. Oh to run the hand down inside that shirt :devil: Ok enough before Destiny and her lovely hose come to visit. We've been soooo good lately :D

isn't it just so tempting :devil: :devil:
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