George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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Howdy Ward :D

and yeah nice Nikky and nsfn2 you make game pic i´m happy i love all your pics *sigh* he is so cute.

Jacquie oh than you have really nice weather i´m jealous here is ugly really rain and sultry, i need now here the nicklious Nicky pics :lol: helps me. My Mom is sick get a cold it´s not good because she is old :( and also i have a feeling i get the cold the second time *damn*

McStokes men *bäh* what a situation your poor :( i think i had hit him. Big hug for you and and an extra flirty Nicky for you McStokes as consolation ;)

Blackflag flirty Nicky #5 wohoho :devil: i´ve never seen bevore *hmm* yummi

Oh and i´ve learned nice Man think really he is serious will coming here and visit my Mom, my family and me? is also a texan Man :lol: i´ll see what comes, i´m really curious. I think i make the winner pic a bit later, because must watch first here rerun of CSI ;) think it´s one hrs more ;) see y´ll big hug around here
blackflag how could you fall asleep and miss scenes like this or this :). I've fallen asleep thru a number of Miami and NY but I don't think I've fallen asleep on Nick yet. Oh now that is such a lovely idea. Sleeping on Nick :D :D :devil:

CBS has the second half of Built to Kill on tonight.
At least I went to sleep happy - very happy! :lol: :D

In all honesty we got 2 more days than we expected from Psycho. Put him to sleep yesterday. It was so emotionally draining that I really started falling asleep around 7. It was a struggle to last as long as I did.

awww thanks Blackflag and also Jacquie these pics *yummi* :devil: and no never i were fallen asleep when i see Nicky nooo :lol: he makes me fit and wakeful. And sleeping on Nick oh Jacquie these naughty minds :lol: :D We´ve seen the Epi Unbearable oh and Nicky looks so good in it *sigh*

eta: hey Blackflag sorry to hear that :( and big hug from me.

think it´s time to pic the winner ;) oh and i love all of them so nice flirty pics thanks y´ll

in non particular order

Jacquie :devil: you know that kills me
cathwillows *jeeek* he looks so sexily
Hard2Handle :lol: Nikky you changed your name sounds good, i love these pic so cute face
nsfn2 oh you knowing me i see, it´s one of my favorite pics
Jacquie again *gosh* that´s so awesome :devil: and the open buttons

and the winner is....... Blackflag sorry but he looks so cute and i love this pic another favorite in my list. Congrats on winning Blackflag So now i´ll give Nicky in your capable hands and give us a new theme ;)
Stoky said:
Hard2Handle :lol: Nikky you changed your name sounds good, i love these pic so cute face

That's a favorite of mine too, looks like the little kid that did something and he's trying to hide it from his parents :D. I thought it was time that I got a new name, afterall I just got married so my last name's now Bennett and NikkyBennett didn't sound too hot :D

I was running out of ideas and heard a song where the singer sang Guess the lord made me Hard too handle and I said, that sounds like what my husband would say about me :lol:

Oh and congrats for winning Blackflag :D
Good Morning y'all :) I hope everyone had pleasant Nick dreams :)

blackflag congrats on winning. That was a pic I didn't have but now I do :D Some random Nick pics while we wait for our new theme

Hey look at what I caught down at the local fishing hole
oh my ward girls will get their revenge
do you think I could have a foot stool next time I have to talk to a sheriff this tall :lol:
girls decaf or regular If you ask Destiny she would probably say decaf :lol:
for those of us that like this and for those that don't don't look :D
oh love those shoulders and everything else :D
A while ago I went out searching for a pic, didn't find it, but found a whole bunch of new ones that I love. Don't think I've used them all yet! :D :lol:

New Theme - Nick showing different emotions. Confusion, happy, sad, angry, doesn't matter what just different emotions. Limit 12, winner sometime tomorrow (probably late afternoon).

Hi all just a short note from me...Everything is fine, still in pain but okay...Its busy now, I comeby to drool sometimes ;) .....Hope to be back soon again....Daniel is just doing fine....
Hy y´ll :D

Jacquie thanks for these nice pics that´s make it nice to start the day every time ;)

and Nikky yeah have same feelings about this pic, and please tell me this new Avi are your both, i mean you and your hubby? looks so natural :D Bennett is a nice name i find.

Babs hey dear so nice to hear from you and that all fine with Daniel :) i´m happy. Btw. where is your Avi *hmm* you show us soon a little Daniel-Avi? ohhh i´m so curious :lol:

Blackflag that´s really good idea your new theme ok than i´ll looking for soo much emotions ;)

here my first

a bit pondering
confusion Nicky
a scared Nicky
an angry Nicky
an very angry Nicky :lol: look at the face not of the shirt
a happy and funny Nicky
Love the Nick pics - of course. Happy to stop in and drool when I can - computer time limited now that kids are home.

On to personal notes:
Nikky love the new name
blackflag sorry about Psycho. :(
Babs I second Stoky's comments - hope you feel better, glad that baby is good
Jacquie what's wrong girl? You are always so good-natured (and nurturing) - it worries me when you are confused and sad....
Babs good to hear from you :)

OnlyTruth The problem is that one of our staff members quit on us and it was the timing and how he did it. He left us a note and the store key and said he wasn't happy working with us. He didn't talk to us about any problems and he had already left us another note to tell us he had gotten another part time job and would be cutting back on his availability. I made a mistake on the July schedule and instead of talking to me he quit! The real annoying part was we felt we a had a good staff in place which meant we could take our first holiday in 7 years. I was so looking forward to that. I don't know if it will be possible now. It takes 4-6 weeks to train someone and first we have to hire some one. Our holiday was to have been in August. Oh well I'll console myself with looking at pics of Nick instead. Thanks for letting me rant :)

Here are some more theme pics

a little confuzzed
a scared Nick
a laughing Nick
another confuzzed Nick
our all time angry Nick
an annoyed Nick
Stoky said:

and Nikky yeah have same feelings about this pic, and please tell me this new Avi are your both, i mean you and your hubby? looks so natural :D Bennett is a nice name i find.

:D Nope, that's a picture of Dierks Bentley and his wife Cassidy! Hard to recgonize him without his beautiful curly hair :) I've been told by people that my husband looks like him :lol: His hair looks almost exactly the way Dierks' used too :D

Nice theme Blackflag :D
Disgusted :lol:
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