George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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Howdy and nice morning Ward :D

and first men sorry Blackflag hope the cat is ok? :( i´ve read this later and the days before i was a bit confused hope so all is ok big cuddles for the cat :)

Oh here is so high temperature *phew* we have at 12 am (high noon) 89.6 F or here 32°C it´s nice but not for my dog :lol: Nicky is here i´ve a feeling, so much sun round about me :lol:

here my second set and than i´m off in the garden
in the interogation room
in the morgue
on computer is it in the lab? :p
in the lab with Griss.... with a sweet smile
Nicky at the securing of evidence
at the Lab

wish y´ll a nice and sunny and beautiful day ;) see y´ll later
Good late morning everyone. :D Wondering what you all think about my first attempts at an avatar.

avatar #1
avatar #2

I like them, but I'm not ready to give up the one I'm using yet. :D

I'm proof that you need to find out what's on your computer when you get it with one of the preloaded packages. This computer came (way back in the '90's) with a whole bunch of stuff on it and the only thing I ever used was Word. Next time Stoky I should be able to resize it myself! :lol:

Howdy Ward :D and woho i´ve won thanks Only i´m happy when you like this pic and what? Jacquie this pic you haven´t had in your collection - i´m astonished but also i´m happy when you like it and use :)

Blackflag yeah :D your Avis looks good i love them but whenever you need help i really like to help.

Ok new theme? Think i make it easy Nicky with his lovely profile :) it can be serious or funny looking. Time 24 hrs. and Limit of pics 12 happy hunting

Yesterday we´ve had a big thunderstorm :eek: and :( much people are hurt from the lightnings now it´s muggy here and i hate this damp warmi weather *phew* the next thunderstorm is coming. Hope it´s not so hard how yesterday.
*pokes head in and looks around*

Hello? :D Did you miss me? :D

Finally feel like I am back among the living...have no idea what I had (scurvy probably) but I'm here now!
McStokes - I always thought you were the scurvy type. Glad that you are feeling better. Oh, and blackflag - I meant to tell you that I think that you did a great job with your first attempt at an avie!
Heya :D Ward

and welcome back "scurvy" McStokes :lol: hope you feel better and what for an ask, sure really we´ve been missing you ;)

Folks what´s that **** only two Wardladys make the game **** men men men :lol: Jacquie i think you must lay down the law here. Yes ok i´m quiet now :lol: it´s time to pic the winner

Jacquie this pic get the second place it´s soooo close to the winner

the winner is........ Blackflag *mmmmm sooo yummy* :devil: but let me tell you all your Profile pics for me the winner, i love all of them *sigh* so congrats on winning Blackflag and Nicky is now in your capable Hands :D

McStokes especially for you :D Shorty
and for us all Evel not the best quality but sweet

Sorry, that was the sound of my jaw hitting the desk after looking at that Shorty pic, Stoky! Good lordy, that is a picture I will definately keep in my head all night tonight!

I am such a goober for cowboys, every time I see a hat and boots I go all wiggly!
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