George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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Haven't we always thought alike Jacquie. At least half the ones you posted if I didn't I thought about it! :lol: Guess I could say you have a nice collection of pics. :lol:

Weren't we all separated at birth? :D

That would make our full name Jacquie Blackflag McStokes! Kind of a cool name!

Yup, I'm enjoying the scenery alright, sunny weather and GE...that's a prescription for happiness!
hey ladies,
i am still quite new to this and just wanted to tell you these are awesome pics!
and I've realised that it was season five when they started to let him wear blue jeans. and i think though he looks great in all he wears he should only wear these blue jeans. they look pretty hot on him. actually I guess he looks hotter without any clothes. :devil:
Morning Destiny :)

Welcome to the ward lelaina. Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable. Just a reminder that we are a pg13 site and unless you would like Destiny and her famous hose to visit us be careful on your comments. North America is not as liberal in their thoughts as Europe is. Which is ashame because I think Nick would look supper hot with less clothing on :D

and speaking of not too much clothing :lol:

McStokes I love the name :) And I definitly think we were all separtated at birth. How can we all be wardgirls otherwise :lol:

Looks around where's Stoky? Was it today she was taking her dog to the vets. I hope things work out ok for them :)
Yes, today was the vet visit with her dog, Kato. And I know she said she was turned down for another job, so she is quite upset. Let's all gather 'round and give Stoky a big, Ward Girl group hug! (with Nicky in the middle).
Stoky big wardgirl hug
Hi just walked in to tell the winner is McStokes I really like this picture. It was not that hard :lol: there where not much pictures :( McStokes Nick is on his way right now. I know you treath him right :D
Afternoon/morning Ward! I hope everything goes OK Stoky. :)

Yes, some would say that less is more when it comes to George/Nick... And interesting suggestion that North America aren't as liberal as Europe, I hadn't thought about it like that. I'm actually very conservative, and easily shocked. :lol: And personally I love Nick clothed, maybe with a lovely suit or open neck shirt . :D

Thanks for popping by Destiny, it's always nice to hear from you.

Congrats on winning McStokes, sorry I couldn't participate in the last theme. I'll try harder next time.
Congrats on winning McStokes :)

Elsie I think there are alot of open minded people in North America but, in my opinion, I think there are too many groups that control what we can and can't see on tv and in the movies. That being said I do like to see actors with with their clothes on and Nick in particular. It leaves more to the imagination
stoky, Big Wardgirl Group Hug! I hope you and Kato are OK! And I missed you in the thread, so please visit us soon.. :D

Congrats, McStokes! :) I don't know if I will be here for the theme, got another two papers again. :mad:
Wow! :eek: I won? Coolness. I love that pic of our makes me melt everytime I see it.

Hmmm....I'm trying so hard to come up with something new! How about GE and all his many characters with a gun. I have to re-qualify at the range this week, so this will give me motivation! Bonus points for any really creative ones!
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