George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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:D hy Yurek yes late here *hmm* damn, but so nice to see you and we all are happy every time for so nice and hot Nicky pics :devil:
Yurek, yummie is so right. I love that one and the one with the blue shirt taken in the same photo shoot.

Stoky said:
Yurek woh that Nick and Greg so cute *sigh*

sooo manly *sigh*

Thanks. Nick and Greg are really cute together. :D
And that 'manly' pic is so hot... I really love black outifts on Nick!! :D

Yurek when you go off now i wish you a sweet and nice night ;)

Don't worry. I'll tell you soon enough if I leave. :)
:D yes Yurek you´ve right, black is so hot and also my favorite coulor. Pity the doc has not recalled me, now i must wait until this morning *hmm* hope all is good working.

some more randoms for you
Gris wait, give me the map, that´s mine, there all telephone Numbers of the Wardladys in :lol:
oh i think the weather is starting nice today
hmmm, who want´s to cuddle me
ohh where has got hide there

eta: ok it´s late here and i´m off now i wish you´ll a nice and good night and a lot of cute Nicky dreams
night Ward
Good Morning Ward :)

I hope you people don't think I have nothing else to do but get on the computer first thing in the mornings. It's true I don't have anything to do :) I get up 30-45 minutes early to allow myself to have some me time before I have to get the day going :)

Now some random nickylicious pics to brighten the day

Little Stoker would like to say good morning to all the wardgirls
Nick is not impressed with the answers he's gettin
some interesting lighting
just taking it easy for a moment
a smile that could make anyone smile
Jacquie said:
Good Morning Ward :)

I hope you people don't think I have nothing else to do but get on the computer first thing in the mornings. It's true I don't have anything to do :) I get up 30-45 minutes early to allow myself to have some me time before I have to get the day going :)

Don't worry. I don't have anything to do either. :lol: I come on just so I can stare at some nice Nicky goodness each morning. I soooo enjoy looking at the random pics each morning, it makes the rest of the day go easier. :p

Morning all!
Great pictures...keep 'em coming. I'll announce the winner later today.

Stoky, hope all is well. And in response to your other question re: the range instructor...that's not typical. I have to re-qualify on a regular shoot, then I'm going for some advanced tactical work. THAT's where the "big guys" get to yell at you, and simulate 'combat' conditions. I had to do this a lot where I used to work, but it's a first at the new job. I'll probably crack up laughing cuz it's been a while!
So, normally I just come in and look at the pictures and drool a little, but can someone explain to me what a themepic is, when I post them, all that sort of thing? I have checked around in previous parts of this thread, and I'm having a spot of difficulty finding it. Thanks! :D
Chloe, this thread is for pics of GE/Nick and we also play a little theme game to make things more interesting...

As McStokes won the last theme, she got to pick what this theme would be. She chose 'George/Nick' with a gun. So, then we all post the pics we have of G/N with a gun, posting a maximum of 12 pics (not more than 6 per post) and trying not to duplicate what others have posted, then about 24 hours after the theme was posted McStokes will pick a winner/her favourite pic and the poster of that pic will get to choose the next theme.... :D

So, I would post some gun porn pics but my photobucket is being mean. :(

You should play Chloe, after all your awesome season 1 screencapping for Beyond-Imagination you must have lots of pics to share. :) So, if anyone didn't know, then 4ENSIX is the one to thank for all the great new season 1 caps we have. :lol:
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