George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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This gives me tough choice on what to use! :lol:

Theme pics:

Nick and Warrick
Nick and Vega
Nick and Sara
Nick and Warrick
Nick and Brass
Nick and Catherine

Pray for my sanity. We're supposed to get more snow tonight into tomarrow. :eek: At least the amounts have gone down to a trace to 4 inches. (was 6 to 12) I don't think the city wants to sand, they've already started street sweeping. :lol: One of our weathermen called this the winter that didn't want to start and now doesn't want to end! :lol:

Snow!!! :eek: Aww, blackflag I'm so sorry! We're expecting temperatures to rise up to about 25 °Celsius/77 Fahrenheit this weekend. My brother-in-law already made a call to say BBQ season is about to kick off ;)
:eek: have read this now Blackflag snow again? oh men, now it´s really enough of them. Sending very nice Spring and warmi weahter to you from Germany, yes this WE the weather forecast sais until 24°C hope it is so :rolleyes: but no more snow, that´s definitive ;)

eta: sorry grssom89 i love your pics so, but i can´t see no pics :( can you change this to photobucket? :) hope so
Good evening everyone. Congrats on winning OnlyTruth and nice theme idea. I will get around to posting some pics shortly. We have some friends coming by to see goodbye :(They're moving tomorrow not far but not walking distance.

Ok now back to business :) blackflag we now are only expecting rain tomorrow with a possibility of snow. That still means the drive to work will take longer than usual :(

grssom89 I can't see your pics either.

Here are my first set of pics

a very good view of Nick and Grissom :D
with Officer Mitchell
with Cath
Grissom's wondering if he should get a buzz like Nick
Greg how many times have I told you it's my Ward :)
with Keppler
:) Hy Jacquie good evening is good :lol: sorry is an joke, here in germany now 2:11 am *omg* men, why we can life all together on one side that were really nice. And yes grssom89 i told this on my post before we can´t see your pics :( sad, please take another photoline for us we want to see your nice pics :)

Now i´m off to bed, it´s really late and i must early awake and drive a long way ;)

wish you´ll nice Nicky Dreams, the man who raped our brains, i´m right Ward :lol:

Ladykiller :devil:

eta: oh and btw: look we are now on line 18 wow, George drive the Thread go on :lol: i´m so amused - good boy George ;)
*giggles* sorry Ward, i´m so happy this day and i´ve a nice idea, but we must it make secret. Not so often yet here, i told him Jacquie and she told it to Destiny or further to all ok? it´s for all Wardladys no panic it´s funny and for George ;)
Good Morning ward :)

Well the only good news on the weather front is we didn't get any snow which means the drive to work shouldn't be as bad. Yea right. I'm sure we all can say that wet weather of any kind bring out the idiots.

I'm looking forward to tonight's episode even though I don't expect to see much Nick. It should be interesting to see what the Lab Rats come up with.

Anyway enough drabble. Here are the rest of my theme pics :)

with Detective Vartan
not afraid to question Grissom
Greg playing follow the leader
Breakfast anyone?
with detective Vega
Oh please can I be the next to rub :devil:

Well wardgirls I'm off to get the day going so have a Nickfull day :)
grssom89, I can't open those last three pics. :(

Keep those Nick and co-worker pics coming, folks. I've seen some mighty good pictures so far but I know there are lots more :)
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