George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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Howdy Ward ;)

oh men it´s late and hope can make now the rest of my theme pics ;) my streak of bad luck don´t ending :( my Monitor is knackered and tomorrow i must look for a new, that´s not good this mattered again expenditure of money :(

Softcake Knut looks 1000 times better as Leonardo :lol:

Blackflag the Flashlighthouse looks good ;) it´s really nice and i think a lot of work.

i´ve no idea where i can allocate this thing
psss... i observe the Wardladys :lol:
ahhh, i´ve found one big Easter egg
the rest from the Happy Easter chocolate
hey who kills my chocolate bunny :lol:
look here in my flashlight and telle me where the easter eggs are.
My a quiet day in the ward today. I guess a lot of people may be off with it being Easter Monday :)

Welcome grssom89 and 19ams87. Thanks for the lovely GE pics :)

Here are the runners up in no particular order

Stoky a little some for the Grissom fans as well :)
blackflag those eyes are at it even at a crime scene
blackflag again. Oh to be those jeans :D This was almost the winner :)

And the winner is softcake in honour of our pillow fights and boy does he look like a lost little puppy that needs to come home with me :D So congrats softcake Nick is now in your capable hands :)
Hy ;)

and congrats on winning Softcake pillow fight *omg* yes :lol:

hope you´ll have a good start in this week, this day :lol: here in germany is 3:47 am i´ve a lot of things to do, therefore i don´t know, if i can make the game, but i hope.

wish you´ll a nice night and lovely Nicky Dreams ;)
I have a question for you all. After looking at so many pictures of this season, what is the deal with all the western style shirts? It seams like almost every episode he has one on. Is George Eads missing Texas maybe? I know, I know you all like the open neck shirts that that makes but me, I like to leave more to the imagination. I tend to be drawn to the more modest, shy look of the earlier seasons.

And now since this is a picture thread:

I like this shirt
Good morning ward

I have no idea why the western style shirts unless to say GE wants to be more Texan this year. Some of us have also noticed his accent is more pronounced this year as well. I guess you can't take the Texan out of GE

to think we may actually get warm enough sometime this year to do this

I've actually heard from photobucket about my upload problem. I've not yet try their solution to see if it works as I've found my on solution to uploading pics :)

blackflag the lighthouse looked good. How much work did you do on it :)
I think GE has reached a point with the character where he feels more comfortable just being himself...I've noticed that in pics of him off the set he seems to be wearing the same clothes as Nick. A lot of asian inspired logos on the clothes, as well as the 'western' theme. It's almost like he's not playing a character anymore, but playing himself.

Looking over all the seasons Nick has had a definate progression/change in personality, attitude, body, name it. * this the pic thread or discussion thread...scratches head...I'm sorry!* :lol:
McStokes one of the writers that did commentary on last season's dvd said that GE was a chameleon. I've also wondered about how much input the actors have in the clothes they wear. I agree with you McStokes in that I think GE is more comfortable as Nick this year. So here is our every changing good old boy from Texas

under the every watchful eye of Grissom
still following Grissom
starting to spread his wings
questioning Grissom's results
a season of more confidence
not afraid to take chances with his georgeous looks

I'd add a pic fro season 7 but I don't want to upset Destiny and her famous hose. We've been soooo good lately :D
Marns, I do love the last pic you posted (the one with the blue shirt), but I think I love this one even more.

Jacquie, how much work do you think I did on it. :lol: I will say this - she had worked with simple circuits in science class last year and at a Children's Discovery Museum near here so she knew what to say in her presentation to the class. We were just pressed for time in actually putting it together. :lol:

As for Nick/George. I remember reading an old article where George said that people didn't put together the Texan accent (or southern accent) with brains and Nick was supposed to be smart, so he was really trying to not to have the accent while on camera. I like the fact that he's gotten comfortable enough to let the Texan side of him out and who cares what others think. After all Nick is supposed to be from Texas. :)

Hope you all can make sense of my ramblings. I frequently have trouble putting my thoughts into words for others.

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