George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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Good morning Ward! :D

Congratulations on your win, Stoky. That pic actually made me laugh out loud too. I would have entered but I didn't realise the time went so fast! :lol:

I'm sorry to hear about Kato. *Huggles Stoky and Kato* I hope he gets better soon and the operation goes well!
Jacquie said:
DJRideout you may want to put a bit more to your message as you keep repeating them. Destiny could consider them as spam :)
We do ask folks to contribute to more then just one sentence or action or smilies, even though its a picture thread we like to see some discussion and such. We understand folks get hyper (ie excited) but we know you all have something to contribute to the discussion. ;)
hey ward. Congratz on winning Stoky , at least you get lucky here in the ward. hope everything's going to be okay with kato! best wishes for you two from me :)
i don't know if i will post theme pics, have to see...

i just finished to watch last night's episode and of course made some screen caps. so here's nicky in "Empty Eyes"

a questioning look
he looks angry but he wasn't
busy at work
is that a little smile?

i could go on and on and on....but i'll stop here ;)
hey Babs you´re my Hero

i´ve seen now your caps *bam* really, this man kills me :devil: he looks so.... i´ve no more words giantable or more than that. And one from your screencaps woahhh how cute is it? i die therfore. I´ve pleased George to give us a sign, that´s certain the sign i quite believe it :lol:

Also thanks cathwillows now your get faster, but ok, i haven´t had not time before. And i hope you make the game ;) I can see the epi in ca. 30 min. hope so. But now where i´ve seen this pics *ohuu* My day starts really bad, but this is a wonderfull gleam of hope and sure for us a lucky charme.
Whoaaaaaa!! Speedy, I'm absolutely DYING from your pics! :eek: Now I wanna see Empty Eyes! :( I'm sooo jealous! :lol:

Yours is so cute too, Stoky! I really like that shirt.. His eyes.. Everything! :)
Marns yes these pics so lovely i love it all *sigh*that´s not my i´ve found it on Babs screencaps :)and Babs you kill me you wont to kill me??? :lol: you´re AVI that´s the pic :lol: you´re so fast. but ok, i take it as desktop background. 3 min. and i can see the epi.
OnlyTruth said:
Last night when I was watching this scene, I swore that he was pressing his lips together like that to keep the little stoker under control and in his mouth. :lol: Too bad - that would have been cute. :)
right me too! and look at that...he couldn't hold the little stoker back any longer :lol:

*eta here another screencap from yesterday. that look is just too cute *sighs*
I'm dying for chocolate and can't find a candy bar in the house! :mad:

Theme pics:

I know those ward girls think I'm hot in open neck shirts.
They like how strong I am.
Does he really think he's hotter than I am?
I'll just bat my eyelashes to get their attention.
Do you really mean that I'm sexy?
Yah! I guess they're right.

Can't say much for #2 and #3 - I was drawing a blank so they probably sound pretty stupid. Now I go look at Bab's screencaps and freeze my computer! :rolleyes: When you can't find chocolate there is always Nick to look at. :D


They were fanstastic, as usual Babs. Well worth the look even if I did have to reboot the computer. It didn't freeze until I'd snagged what I wanted at least. :lol:
Howdy Ward :D

gosh i´m ready with all, oh men Nicky looks sooo cute there but i wish more of them *yummi* :devil: But i see, he looks a littlebit tired once more. Poor boy what´s the matter? *hmmmm* think the wardladys makes you crabby? we all love you please relax :)

some random from the new epi

oh men he is so cute
and very sensitive
he knows what we Wardladys like ;)
i can sai it not often enough - he is so manly
squeal :devil:
big, no giga Kiss

have fun ;)

Blackflag sorry to hear that your no candy, i´ll share realle likly my little easter chocolate eggs ;) i know how heavy it is without sweets and candys *sigh*
Those are great Stoky. Personally I'm attracted to this one. The face, the eyes, just a little bit of a smile. I don't think it could be any better. :D
(If you want you can think of that as a theme pic. My mind is not working that good today and I can't think of any more little sayings for them.)

Now I got to go get some dinner and watch some CSI reruns on Spike. It's 6:30 at night and I'm starved, I ate lunch (such as it was) a long time ago.

A late good evening ladies. I worked until close and then we had to have dinner. After that we wanted to catch the season finale of our favourite Canadian comedy show. The show has to finish early because of hockey playoffs :mad:

Here are my first set of hot and sexy pics.

Stoky next winter just use me to heat your house
I think I'll ask for my own tv show--Little Stoker on the Desert
I'm sorry Gris but the wardgirls have given me a 20 out of 10 on the hottness scale

This is all I can come up with at the moment. My mind can't come up wiht anything more. So good night ladies and I'll see you bright and early on Saturday :)

eta Well good morning wardgirls. Since I'm not even close to 12 hours I thought I would edit this post instead of double posting. I told you I would be here bright and early :) So here are some more theme pics

Hugh Hefner may have his bunnys but I have my wardgirls :)
Stoky do you like my oh so hot and cool sexy look
so my little chickadee what are you up to this weekend

Ok that's it for me for the day I will see you ladies all this evening have a Nickful day
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