Howdy Ward
and no i can´t believe i´ve won.
Babs thanks
and you like the helpcry from Nicky :lol:
folks i´m short here to give you all the next theme, i´m sad, was with Kato this day at vet for controlling, and i´m knackered the dog looks Katos knee and sais the op was good but what´s this, the kneecap is broken
now Kato must next monday retry an new operation - oh men what have we done? why is that so unfair to us? i sai it, Nicky and i have bad destiny. Ok i´ll tell more later on my lj.
Jacquie yes the rashamona with shirtless Nicky make me drooling *omg* and i can not enough see of him. Softcake is ok but she has really much working at the moment, think no i hope she look soon in the ward
perhaps today?? screencaps. Sorry i would make caps but i haven´t not time have to look and make caps because i must with Kato to the doc.
SwamiCSIaholic thanks for the *omg* pic and i like all your pics really specially Nick/Greg
phantastic. I answer later to pm ok
and welcome to all Newbies here
feel you free and make you self comfortable
Hope i´ve nobody forget? i´m a little confused the news from the vet doc makes me crabby.
Now new theme? hmmm ok let me think. Please make Nicky pics (or oter charakters) where he is looking hot and sexy and with nice words he think. I think it´s easy, i´m right? Nicky looks every time hot and sexy. Time 24 hrs. and limit 12 pics
Good hunting and big hug in around.
oh btw. the epi your new epi was it good? im nosi and i´ve not yet seeing, must loading first.