George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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*SQUEEE!!* I'll have nice dreams now! more, then I really should get off this darn computer

Hmmmm...try hard to concentrate on the person in front of me, McStokes you bad girl...what are you doing with your hand on my...! :devil: You know we could get caught! :lol:
Jacqcuie yea :lol: you´ve been absent i´ve missing you :lol: it´s so funny here and ok, i must thanks McStokes cleaning my Monitor :lol: but btw. tomorrow revenge :devil: for my dirty Monitor McStokes
look at left a.. McStokes don´t move up :devil:

eta: ok Guys it´s late now and i´m off wish y´ll very nice night and sweet dreams of our

Sorry for the delay. I had to finish watching the Bears-Saints game. I'll be back in a few....

Okay, the family is expecting me to join them for dinner, so I'm not going to post runner up pics. Besides, I'm not sure I could narrow them down. Jacquie, you almost had me with the Gumdrops pic, it was a close second. But the winner is:
muppet Nick, from McStokes

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