CSI Level Two
yes revenge :devil: but don´t afraid i´m only making sweet revenges you must wait awhile McStokes for the revenge, first i make your theme pics
Softcake you´re sensitive and on some pics they both looks how father and son big
hug from me
Griss was to hard to Nicky
Nicky don´t kiss me without good smell :lol:
Griss is angry with Nicky
hmm look Griss, what have McStokes writing there, poor Wardladys with her Monitor :lol:
funny discuss with Griss the other side of mupet :lol:
must short leave back in fiew minutes eta: huh quick back to make my rest theme pic ok, that´s it
Softcake you´re sensitive and on some pics they both looks how father and son big
hug from me
Griss was to hard to Nicky
Nicky don´t kiss me without good smell :lol:
Griss is angry with Nicky
hmm look Griss, what have McStokes writing there, poor Wardladys with her Monitor :lol:
funny discuss with Griss the other side of mupet :lol:
must short leave back in fiew minutes eta: huh quick back to make my rest theme pic ok, that´s it