George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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I just wanted to pop in and congratulate McStokes on her promotion!

Your avatar is gorgeous! :D

*hugs* softcake

I hope your father gets better soon.

I also hope all of those out there not feeling well start to get back to their old selves quickly. I have been in bed for the last few days myself and can sympathize…it’s that time of the year…stomach bugs, the flu, belch.

It’s been weird because I feel like I lost the last few days…although I was able to sit up for the new CSI. Maybe it was because I was sick, but I actually liked Keppler. I am interested to see how he will effect the team during his brief stay…and at the least it seems that his presence means Nick gets some quality screen time next week…can’t help but like Keppler for that! ;)
Ooh, another new thread! Congratulations everyone. And congrats on the avatars, promotions and everything else I have missed. ;)

I'm going to have a look through all the lovely pics you have posted over the last week, I have missed the ward all the Nick loveliness. :p
Good morning Ward :D

and so nice you´re back we all missed you too Elsie hope you´re have fun and nice party of your anniversary ;)

AngelaG what nice wallpaper :eek: i love them

my first theme pic
conversation with Gris
singing conversation with mandy :lol:
bevore with Warrick after he´ll conversation with the ward Ladys
conversation with cath
a nice conversation with OnlyTruth :D
a discussion with Quentin Tarantino

hope ya´ll feel well this day and thanks Azzi for well wishing the people who have sick ;)
Hello to all! Welcome back to all who were absent and thanks for the congrats on my "new look." Aren't I just the cutest thing you ever did see? :D in the heck do y'all have your photobucket accounts organized so you can post so easily?! I have about a billion pics I have *cough* borrowed, and I have no idea where to start!
Good morning wardgirls. As always lovely pics to wake up to :)

talking to the sherrif
just before the smack that we all liked
a conversation with Monte
with Catherine back at the lab
I don't know who Nick's talking to but with those eyes looking at you ..
with Sage I think that was her name

eta:McStokes my photobucket is not organized at all. I just hunt through them when I'm looking for pics. I do have a sub album and I do have an idea of what pics I have in each album but it's getting hard to remember them all. Some wardgirls have specific albums for things like latex, hands, t-shirts etc. So the decision is up to you how you want to organize it. :)
OK...I need help! I don't want to risk posting and getting a gentle nudge from the Mods (I'm sensitive *sniff!*)

I want to add images and I've read the FAQ's but I'm still not sure how to do it without the image showing up in my reply, instead of the link. And how do I give it a name like you guys?

*whines* sorry to be a pain, but I wanna play! :p
youre not a pain at all!
if you click 'reply' at the top of a post instead of doing it in the box at the bottom youll be taken to the reply screen. there is a box that says 'instant ubb code'. click the one that says 'url' and paste the address to your picture. press enter, give it the name you want then press enter again. voila! hottness shared for all :D

hope that was clear enough
McStokes not pic found

you must take the url in the intant ubb Code box and than with rightclick the photobucket pic copie :)
i hope i can give you a good explain

the first url-link you must mark and copy with righcklic mouse.
the post side the instand UBB Code box, the URL click first you include the photobucket line than ok, than your text.

hope that was ok ;) eta: ouhhh yeah nice pic and you´ve got it thanks McStokes :D now you can us give your billion pics :lol:
Whew! I broke out into a nervous sweat trying to post that sucker! :lol:

I'll have to try and organize it one of these days...maybe on a slow night at work while earning some overtime! ;)

Right now (as my husband is downstairs completely ripping the bathroom floor out down to the floor much fo me going crazy carefully taking out tile yesterday!) I'm going room to room with garbage bags tossing clutter. You don't want to sit still too long in my may end up in a dumpster!

But then I can send Nick in to find you, like this:

Dumpster Diving

WOO HOO! She's on a roll, now! :lol:
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