George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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Hy Jacquie must to be retry comes in short

this pic is soo nice but to short :lol: :devil: gives therfore a longer pic :lol: ok before D sprays on me something kit´s i´m really off now and wish good night ;)
For those of you (us) who really want something new I got my hands on this. Its from the promo for this weeks ep. I got it from 'What Makes the Desert Beautiful'. Yes I pay attention to any site that may have anything about George/Nick, even slash. :lol:

Oh, I could talk about slash for many hours...sorry, forgot where I was for a minute, I won't bore you with it (I love slash). :lol:

Morning ward.

Anyway, thanks for the new pics softcake and blackflag. I would post some Sweet Jane ones, but I'm at work and the stupid slow internet makes it impossible to upload pics.

Oh well, and I haven't played the theme yet (congrats softcake) all the stoker pics have been used but I will just repost them for fun...everyone likes the little stoker. :p

Stoker is so cute
Such concentration required...
Ah, an old favourite...
Okay, I confess I have not much to tell, but I want Jacquie to post her caps from "Sweet Jane" :lol:

As for the Little Stoker pics - keep going, girls. I know you have more ;)
Yeah, me too. Interesting, how many girls like to read slash. And more interesting, that obviously just gay guys read slash
cathwillows, those are just TOO cute!! Especially the last one.. He does look like he hurt someone.. Poor Nicky. :(
And ofcourse, Marny gets sick of the weather. I have a cold. :( Just as I expected. George, YOU HAVE TO CURE ME WITH YOUR MAGICNESS!
OH MY GAWD!! YOU PICKED MY FAVORITE!! IT REALLY IS! That's sooo weird! You must be some kind of psychich..(I have NO idea how you spell that word..) Or did you know that, softcake? :lol:
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