George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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You're all welcome, and don't worry all us mods are going to be there to help you ease into the new place, were not going anywhere. ;)
Stokydream said:have a question. To help i hope i´m understand this correct, we can make Notice for Admin per PN or direct on board?
I am guessing any questions about the new site could be done in QSF forum. It would be better and save any duplicate questions, and he won't be overloaded with PM's and where in QSF he can answer multiple questions, unlike Pm's where he would have to do so one by one. Hope that helps a bit.
well i have to say that the first one kinda scared me :lol:
but the third was worth it! he looks so good in that picture...woohoo hot hot :devil:
Whaa.. Haven't been here in a while.. :rolleyes: How are you guys? By the way, sunday Second String will be on TV..! Now I don't have to rent it.. :)
Morning, everyone.

Snuggled with Nick for a bit last night, so I feel a little better...might need him again tonight just to be sure as I didn't sleep too well.

It's supposed to get wicked cold here over the next few days...they're saying if you are outside for less than 15 minutes with exposed skin you could get frostbite! :eek:

Please not let any idiot ice fisherman fall through any water! I do not want to be there for that call!
Howdy, hello and good morning wards :)

for all freezies yes it´s really colde also here in germany in my town -6° this morning i hate this. McStokes big hug from me and your get Nicky this night sure ;)

Destiny thanks it helps me really ;)

I´ve Nicky today by myside he helps me at the dentist, and yea i look now really nice and can smile :lol:

and welcom back Marns we missed you ;)

now it´s time to pic a winner in non particular order
:lol: yes this pic is really funny
Elsie mumbles perfect :D
Jacquie oh so nice :devil:
Blackflag so funny lucky face :lol:
Jacquie again :lol: i´m sly yea :D

and the winner is...... Softcake :) he looks there my heart will go warm up

congrats Softcake Nicky is now in your hands be carefull ;) and for today the best wishes for you and your Dad

eta: Elsie also hug from me the cold is damn ;)
The cold weather is sooo annoying! I can't even go to school without freezing my ears off.. :rolleyes: Now George makes everything better so those caps help me warm up :)
yes you´re right Marns it´s annoying and i hate them now. I fell lucky, when spring is coming and the sun shines :)
i´ll give y´ll sun and warm

*stares like a deer caught in the headlights at the magnificence that is GE* :lol:

Thank you, Stoky you have brightened my morning!
Oh Guy :) howdy, it´s nice to hear that my pic helps you.
And of course you get Nicky tonight ;) with the all best wishes

for you :devil:
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