George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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Hi All!!

Well I'm not happy at all, last night wile taping CSI as I did some stuff in the kitchen the power went out!! so around 11:00 pm when it came back on I checked the tape and saw that it stopped right after Nick opened the box and saw the baby critters, scared me too.

so the question is, did I miss any good scenes after that?

and by the way, from what I saw he looked fine last night!! :D

P.S. and what was the preview for next week?
You missed a pretty good scene featuring Nick and Hodges, with Hodges saying something about if blood starts coming out of his eyeballs that he'd blame Nick, other than that, the episode was kinda boring, not liking this Keppler guy already...

the team alienates Catherine for her move of lieing to them in the investigation. Nick Stokes kind of starts a 'band' against her, Warrick agrees first, then Sara, and Greg seems to cave to the peer pressure and shrugs (presumably yes) as a response.
NikkyJamez said:
You missed a pretty good scene featuring Nick and Hodges, with Hodges saying something about if blood starts coming out of his eyeballs that he'd blame Nick, other than that, the episode was kinda boring, not liking this Keppler guy already...

The preview for next week is where the rest of the gang are turning against Keppler and Catherine.

OOh really?! that is the one I have been waiting for!! Oh now I'm happy...and the power better not go out then.... or so help me!! :lol: *Monsters Inc.*

and yes Kipler is a bore... from what I have seen, and what's wrong with hodges?! :lol: He's pretty funny, i actully like Hodges, when he interacts with Nicky, funny stuff ;)
Hodges is funny when he interacts with anyone on the show :lol:

Anyone who wants a small preview of next week, check the spoiler ;) I just saw a longer one.

My little sister called Keppler Poopy, not sure what she means by that, but oh well :lol:
Morning everyone! And a frigid one at that. I really do hope all our friends in Europe are ok...just saw some really crazy news footage about the weather there and the destruction... Stoky, Marns where are you?!

NSF I had almost the same thing happen with my VCR, but it was stupid user error! I set the timer and about 3 minutes into taping it shut itself off...cuz I got the times wrong! Duh. At first I froze, then I said "meh...I only missed about two minutes of Keppler's non-personality, no we are OK!" :D
I felt Nick made the episode what with finding the film with the teeth impressions and all. I was not impressed with Keppler. The actor may be a good actor but he was very wooden in Thursday's show.

Since this is a pic thread and we do need to warm things up for McStokes and anybody else living in the cold northeast US and lets not forget us people here in Ontario. It's cold here as well
what better way to warm things up but with some short sleeves
some buzz is required
Nickflash time :D
getting steamier
some armporn to warm us up
I think the temp should start rising soon :)
Softcake, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Nice to be back, I've had the stomach thing that's so "popular" this year in the US. Blech.

I've got the computer to myself for alittle bit this morning while my daughter sleeps in and the boys are at the cub scout pinewood derby! So here are some theme pics!

Oh, and for the record, I think Keppler is creepy. And and about him being from Baltimore -- I used to live there and it's so funny that Brass could tell where he was from because of his "accent" because he sounds nothing a true Baltimorean.
OnlyTruth the stomach bug is not only hitting the US but it's doing it's thing in Ontario as well. I got it the beginning of January and I usually don't get sick. It's nice to hear you're feeling better. :)
Aww, guys, you're the best! Thanks for all your thoughts and concerns and good wishes. It was hard for me to hear about daddy yesterday, but today it doesn't look as bad as I feared. The docs will decide on Monday what to do with him, until then he's just being taken care of.
*gives chocolate cookies to the Wardgirls* :)

I just finished watching "Sweet Jane" Am I the only one who thinks Keppler looks like a chipmunk with his chubby cheeks? ;)
softcake that's totally unfair to chipmunks because chipmunks certainly have more character that Keppler. :lol:
Jacquie that is exactly what I was going to say!

Taking a break from busting up tile in the, my hands hurt! I need Nick to massage them!
waaaaa!!! when i came home and was all ready to watch csi last night my dad had accidentally set up the dvr for the 8pm episode and not the new one :( since it was rashomama i watched the scene where nicks shrit comes off several times to make myself feel better :(
so how was our nicky this week? was he looking good? have enough screen time? i hope it repeats soon, i havent missed an episode in so long!
who has nicky? McStokes have you still got him? can i just cuddle up next to him til i feel better?
Oh, alright Maple you can have him! :rolleyes: But I'll need him back for my hands...which I really can't seem to use all of a sudden! (Hit my knuckles too many times with the hammer!)
allmaple sorry to hear of your loss(ed video tape) :(. Nicky did look nickylicious. Not alot of screen time but what we had as oohh so good. I think George must be reading our comments here because I haven't seen little stoker in awhile :lol: I think you will probably be pleased with Nick when the screen caps are up.
Little Stoker - I'm pretty sure I saw him once, because I squeaked like a girl. Oh wait :lol: I also think the buzz is growing a tiny little bit (or is it my wishful thinking?) so George *waves* a little more hair, please! :D
I think Nick had a fair amount of screentime. Not as much as Chippy or Cath, but more than the rest of the team. And next time I want to see the last button on Warrick's shirt open, too :D
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