George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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dont worry cathwillows ;) and thanks destiny for his nice working ;)

Ok guys it´s late here and i´m go off now (i hope :devil:) lurking i can so often :lol: but when nothing more here i wisch can sleep. y´ll a very nice and sweet dream night with our nicklioubes "Nicky" sorry, can not make a picture, Photo_bucket is cracked :mad: pity. But you now what i mean ;)
Wow what a busy afternoon it's been. I took some quality time for myself this afternoon. No cellphones, cats or husband. Very nice. I saw Casino Royale. Good movie. I was imagining a certain Texan in some the scenes. Oh yes he would have done well :) :p

cathwillows it takes some time to get the pic posting down but I see with some help from Destiny it got done. Nice pic :)

Now for the theme winner. I'm only going to post the winner because the are far too many runners up to post. There were many nickylicious pics but the one that stood out was from blackflag . This had a bit of everything. Open shirt, eyelashes, buzz, smile, and the list goes on. So congrats blackflag and Nick is now in your very capable hands :)
:D now i´m back and late to congrats on winning Blackflag really nice pic.

an now Photo_bucket is ok *sigh* wish y´ll a very nice Nicky
Nicky dreams

good night Ladys :)
Jacquie i loooooooooved casino royale! about 20 minutes in i had to lean over to my mom and say 'i think i need to change my mind that daniel craig is not attractive' :lol: i am in lust with him but of course still adore my nicky :D
i missed the first bit of tonights episode since i was at a band dinner (band geek power!) but its being taped. so i have to fight myself not to turn it on and see my lovely nicky :lol:
Yes, George In Casino Royale would've been great! I had a dream the other night that someone killed my neighbor with a slingshot and there was a knock on my door and I opened it and Nick's standing there and he grins and says, "I'm sorry to interupt you M'am, I'm Stokes, Nick Stokes, from The Crime Lab." That just reminded me of that :lol:
Sounds like it was better than last night's epi! About 15 minutes into it I looked at the clock and said "this is the most boring episode I've ever seen" and I have NEVER said that before!

*not likin' Keppler!!*
I did find last nights episode dragging. I think Nick had the best stuff though. I mean if it weren't for him finding the teeth marks we could have been there all night. I didn't like Catherines attitude. She did this in season 5 when they split the team up. Oh well the Nick we had was good

georgeousness at work here
Yes, Nick's part was good. Loved what happened with the box in the records room...I actually had that happen when I was looking for a cold case in NYC. Opened the box and jumped about 10 feet in the air and screamed like the girl I am!

So gross! :lol:
I gotta agree with Jacquie, Last nights ep just seemed to drag by very slowly. :( I almost picked up my book and started reading, but I was afraid of missing Nicky's scenes. I did keep pushing the mute button on the remote for some reason, and I don't usually do that until I've seen it at least once. I do like how Nick got Hodges to help go through the stuff in the box. That's the same tone I use with Victoria and Christopher to make them do things they don't want to do! :lol:

I had a feeling that you would like that pic Jacquie. Head tilt, eyes closed, open nick shirt. I just wanted to grab him up and never let go.

On to a new theme. Since a rarely get on much before 3pm on weekends you're going to have about 30 hours to find pics, so I'm going to give you a little bit of a challenge. What I want are pics that are artistically different (or just different) from most of the pics we see. This can be with different camera angles or background colors, or any other way you can think of.

As a hint I've got a couple that are reflections, some taken through something else (glass table), and some taken from above.

Limit yourselves to 6 at first. If it looks like anybody who's playing has gotten a chance and you can find more you can post 12. As I said, I won't be picking the winner for about 30 hours so you have time to look. :lol:


McStokes, I had it happen in the basement of the previous house we lived in. They were dead and I almost threw up! When I saw the condition of the boxes that Nick was looking at I knew something was up, I still commented loud enough I think my mom heard. She already knows I'm crazy anyways. :lol:
My partner's reaction was to pull out his gun (while screaming like a girl) and almost shoot them! I can only imagine what we looked like...Ah, NY's Finest! :lol:

(he was a lot like Bosco on Third Watch if you ever watched that show)

*then I was sick for a week with a sinus infection from all the dust!*
The joys of rodents. When we were little we had mice as pets. They're cute right but when they are the type that sneak into your house... that's another thing altogther. McStokes that idea of NY finest at work would have been a good picture :lol:

Very interesting theme idea blackflag. Here's my first pic
i knew there was a time when this may come in handy
Very good Jacquie. Hadn't seen that one before.

I was trying to get what I wanted into words and wasn't sure it was working. :lol:

Cool picture, Jacquie. Very Psychodelic!

Yes, Ryan and I felt very stupid. Then of course the rest of the crew found out and we would come into the house every day to find mouse traps on our desks, stuffed rats, a rubber, life-like rat on the seat of the patrol name it!
I wonder if softcake and Stoky are having problems with all the bad weather in Europe. It's not like them to miss the ward. Group hug for them :)

One more for the theme. blackflag don't complain about softcake's being hard because you have really challenged us here

Nick's needing a big group hug here
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