George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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I wondered about them's been very quiet here today. Hope everyone is ok.

Off to court...I'll check back with y'all in a little while!
Whooooo *wind blows Marns into the ward* Man, that was weird.. Guess I missed Nicky too much.. :lol: very nice sreencap, Jacquie. McStokes, what are you doing in court? Maybe a dumb question but I had to ask.. :lol:
McStokes I hope the court call is you as a witness. :) Your rat story reminds me of a couple of customers that came into the store one day. They were looking for a fake mouse to put in a co-workers desk. Said co-worker was afraid of mice. :lol:. They ended up buying a mouse cat toy. I never did hear the results of the mouse.

some brow action from Sweet Jane Oh he looked very nickylicious last night :p

eta Sorry marns didn't mean to forget you. I hope everything is ok with you :)
It's not that hard if you've been looking for something different all the time. Personally when I see something different I have a habit of snagging it.

Here's another hint. (you just have to figure it out)

Check my favorite season and 3 seasons before it. :D
I think I've posted some of them before.


I was comming to edit this and the damn computer froze yet again. :mad: Now off I go to shovel our at the most 1" of snow off the front sidewalk. Mom likes it to be dry!

Do wonder where Softcake is. She's usually the first post each day. I did see on the news thismorning where they showed a 747 taking off from Heathrow practically sideways in the wind. It makes our weather over here not seem so bad!
blackflag I'm certainly not complaining. It's nice to go looking everyonce in awhile. The nicky juices need to be rejunvinated and it never hurts photobucket to have few more pics either
Don't worry, I'm here :D Work was just so crazy today, I barely found time to eat. Or post... And I'm so glad this week is over, especially after yesterday. It was the worst storm here in 20 years, all over Europe, and I had trouble getting home last night. There were broken trees everywhere on the streets. A co-worker gave me a lift home, bless him. It took about 1,5 hours for 8 km... It was a bit scary.
And now I'll catch up on your posts and come back later with theme pics :)

Back with theme pics. Quite a challenge, blackflag :D And has photobucket changed the layout again? :confused:

Cath's point of view
Far away
Under water
In the background
Narrow space here
From above

Jacquie I love the power brow pic :) Can't wait to see the episode *cough* in a few hours.
Nice to hear from you Softcake. Knew you'd been haveing some pretty bad weather over there. :eek:

I was thinking the same thing about photobucket yesterday. I spent yesterday afternoon putting ep names to pics that didn't already have them. :lol:

I'd forgotten all about your "from above" pic. I wasn't thinking about that one so it surprised me. :lol:

I'm back! Hey, Softcake good to see you are ok...we were worried 'bout ya. Now I just wonder where Stoky's been hiding.

Marns and Jacquie, yes, I was indeed a witness today...I try to stay on "my" side of the law whever possible! And can I just say I hate lawyers! Man, do they know how to twist things. This was/is a crappy case and we really want to nail this kid...and I think his lawyer is shooting for getting him off on a technicality...did I mention I don't like lawyers!? :mad:

(by the way, Marns there are no stupid questions here! We are the nice thread!) :)
Yes, I'm okay. Quite. I need a group hug :(
Just got off the phone with my mom, she told me my dad is in hospital. Again. He suffered a stroke in September 05 and his third heart attack in May 06, followed by a life threatening 10 hour bypass surgery. And now he's in again because he couldn't walk anymore and is in great pain. Maybe they have to amputate his toes or even his foot.
I guess I won't be around much over the weekend...
Oh Softcake I do hope everything works out. Please know that I will be thinking of you and your family. If you need a break or just want to vent your feelings, by all means please PM me.

*Hugs you!* ;)
Same goes for me Softcake. I've had to deal with alot of family being in the hospital over the past 3 years. So I now what you are going through.

*sends a big, long-distance hug and many prayers* ;)
Sorry to hear about your dad not being well softcake. Big group hug needed here
Give your dad our best and tell him the wardgirls are wishing him well. :)

edited to add some theme pics
bottoms up sorry couldn't resist.
I just thought this was different with the smile and the bent forward head
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