George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Stokydream said:
wow Elsie you have an new Avatar :D i like this

Thanks, in my mind it is the look on Nick's face when he sees his presents on Christmas morning. ;)

Good night all, another favourite screencap I did. I love this jumper he is wearing...lovely with the vest. :)
McStokes thanks for clarifying the wifebeater term. I thought it might refer to the undershirt. I'm not impressed with the term wifebeater. I guess that's one reason I didn't watch the Sopranos.

Now on to the task I have of selecting the winner of the open nick theme. Let me clean up the drool first ;). There were some pics I expected, and thank you very much for them and there were some new drool pics. Here are the runners up in no particular order.

stoky lovely in blue and there's that chain again
Babs What more can we say but Nick has big things in mind :lol:
blackflag Nick needs his rest
Nikky Evel goodness :p

And the winner is softcake . Nick just looks so yummy and dreamy here. :p Congrats on winning and Mr Stokes is now in your capable hands :)
Good morning, ladies :)

No, no new caps, sorry :D Maybe tonight, when I'm home.

Oh, and I won! :D Thanks, Jacquie Of course I will take very good care of Mr Stokes :devil:

Okay, here's the new theme. I'd like to see Nick'n'Rick-pics :) Nick with Warrick, and maybe you'd like to tell me what's on Nicky's mind. For bonus points ;)

What? Nick'n'Rick-pics?
Come on, Softcake, you can do better than this
Like me playing with some toys
Or looking for Santa
Or just being cute

Okay, back to work! Have a nice day! :)
Congrats on winning Softcake. I sad because I have a whole category of Nick-Rick pics on my computer at home (not in my photobucket) but I am at the lab today. I guess I shouldn't complain too much because we're having our Christmas party today -- I love getting paid to go to lunch and party. Anyway, maybe I'll get a chance to add some theme pics after I get home. I haven't been in the Ward very much lately and I miss it.....
I sympathize with the girl scout Christmas Party -- instead of a party our girls went to downtown DC to see the National Christmas tree. But we have a party in the pack meeting for cub scouts on Thursday -- including an indoor snowball fight -- can't wait.
This was Girl Scouts and Brownies (younger girls), about 35 girls in all. The Brownies were noisy and the little brothers were worse. Since I survived the mall on Saturday and this party I treated myself to Gum Drops this morning, and Dead Ringer (my ATM scene :lol:) should be on Spike tonight.

My theme pics:

Nick and Warrick #1
Nick and Warrick #2
follow that lime jello
with Mr. Wiggles
helping out Greg
Nick and Warrick #6

Our good news for the holiday season. The dental insurance decided to cover just under half of Victoria's $500.00 dental bill and the dentist wrote off some of it so we owe under $200.00. :)

That's great news, Blackflag...nothing worse than having to pay for dental work. My crown is going to cost $850.00, not including the office visits! :(
blackflag good to hear the dentist news. Maybe you should make you neice wear a full hockey mask with face protector when she goes out from now on :lol:

Here are my Nick Rick pics
I hope the principal will go easy on us :lol:
Yes Rick the wardgirls think I'm the cuter one
don't ask Gris if you can have the window seat because he gave it to me
I'm telling you Warrick the girls wouldn't have ask to see you if they didn't like you
remember I get to lead because I out rank you by a couple of episodes :lol:
Nick Rick and a pig
Jacquie, we'd try it, but the kid is such a disaster area that she would still find some way to break it. We have since gotten extra insurance through the school for the next time. ;)

The rest of my theme pics:

poor Nicky, Warrick's here to help
Do you know what he's talking about?
Come look at what the girls in the ward are saying about us!
Why couldn't Warrick given us another couple of minutes?
I look better in this hat that you would.
Nick, Warrick, and a little present. :p

Spent a long time looking for the last one. Someone over on a Nick Livejournal site made an icon of it, so I just had to search out a screencap for it. Finally found it over at Beyond Imagination.


Softcake, keep them comming. I'm in absolute heaven with your caps from Just A Walk in the Park. I wonder if those of us who've never seen it all complain to ABC Family if they'll maybe release it on DVD. :)

OK, I've edited this because I realized that I can't spell a simple 2 letter word! :rolleyes:
Howdy Guys :D

congrats Softcake and thanks for new theme nick/rick
:) and are you ready with your hard working today? :) hope so that you can relaxing now.

sorry i´m late and now very short, i´ll going on a party. It´s party for women how go into business for onselfs (hope that is correct?) :) But at late nigth i´ll post my pics.

have fun ;) see you soon
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