George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Must consult a doctor...jaw locked permanently in the open position and drooling all over the place! Niiiiiccceee pics, ladies!
*comes in with a mop and a crowbar* let me help you, McStokes :devil:

"Snakes" is one of my favorites, too, blackflag And when I need a quick Nicky-dose I watch him in "4x4". Almost 20 minutes pure Nicky ;)

Stoky thanks for asking but after looking at all these yummy pics my brain is about to start a fire :D
GreggoLover said:

NikkyJamez, I prefer Gus...the wifebeater is just barely peakin' out and that...*ahem* nice. :devil:

Ok I've got no idea what a wifebeater is. What is it and how did it get it's name?
Stoky you are killing me!

Jacquie A wifebeater (and man, do I HATE that term!) is what people call those sleeveless white undershirts that guys wear. I think it was a big slang term that came from "The Sopranos."
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