George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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I wasn't sure about the wifebeater and I'm glad Jacquie asked because I didn't dare to :) But I had a feeling it had something to do with underwear. We have a nice little German term for white cotton pants with long legs, they're called "love killer" (Liebestöter in German ;))
I added 9 new pic which can be found here
More to follow soon ;) And I can't believe Little Stoker didn't make a first appearance yet :D
I am so loving your pics softcake ! He is so cute in those glasses. Thanks for all your hard work. :)

And yes, wifebeater is a new one on me too! (well it is used in relation to a particularly strong beer although not by me, but I would have never guessed its meaning here). :p

Also, thanks stoky , your pics are cheering me up! Especially the one in the water... :devil:
Oh, man! I reeaaalllyyy wanna see that movie now, Softcake! You are cruel! (Not really...thanks for the caps!)
Thanks, Stoky ! I was gonna take a bite of my cupcake, but thanks to that picture, it would pale in comparison to how sweet that pic of GE is! :D
Whoa, Stoky it's getting hot in here! :D I'll put one of the surfer pics as wallpaper on my computer at work. So I have something nice to look at when the room temperature rises again ;)

Oh yes, the glasses... And he wears them all the time in that movie! Except for the shower scene, and I'm still not sure if I shall cap that, you've seen the pics :p Just kidding! :lol:
You gotta cap the shower scene Softcake. It will be nice to see it in context with the rest of the movie. :D By the way, I'm snagging away at these pics. He looks so darn cute with the glasses on that I can't help myself. Had to make a sub-album for my sub-album to put them in. :lol:


These pics make it easier on the fact that I have to go to a Girl Scout Christmas party tonight. Have to show that Victoria has some family that is interested in what she is involved with.
Just go ahead, blackflag snag them! That's why I made them, to spread the love ;)

A Girl Scout Christmas party... I'm not familiar with the whole Girl/Boy Scout thing, so what do you have to expect? Hundred little girls high on sugar, running around and screaming? ;) Good luck!
Can't be any worse than the reception I have to attend tonight with the Sheriff and Undersheriff! It would be ok if there was alcohol involved! :lol:

(Will be dreaming of Nick the ENTIRE time I am there!)
Okay, girls, call me crazy. But there's nothing on TV right now and it's too early to go to bed. So I made some more caps and uploaded them, there's the total number of 100 right now :lol: Oh my God. And it's just the first 15 minutes of the movie... I wonder how many I'll have when I'm done. 568405687 probably :D

And now for your viewing pleasure, you can only watch

'kay, I will stop for today. Really :D
softcake_70 said:
Okay, girls, call me crazy. But there's nothing on TV right now and it's too early to go to bed. So I made some more caps and uploaded them, there's the total number of 100 right now :lol: Oh my God. And it's just the first 15 minutes of the movie... I wonder how many I'll have when I'm done. 568405687 probably :D

Get some rest... :lol: I wonder if it is possible to have George overload? :confused: Probably not, you go for it softcake :lol:

Anyway, spreading the screencap love, the last one I did . I keep meaning to go back and cap more, I still have a whole list of Evel moments I want to cap, hopefully I will find time over Christmas. :rolleyes:
wow Elsie you have an new Avatar :D i like this
and your pic *sigh* and you are Lab Technician :) i´ll see now congrats for both

Ok it´s late and i´m off now, must be fit tomorrow :D have a lot of things to do ;)

wish ya´ll a very nice nigth and of course sweet Nicky dreams
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