George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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KM444 oh poor :( that´s not good hope you felling goes better when you seen Jacquies nice pics :D
Last week there was not enough Nicky but next week we have more therefore ;)
and Nicky give´s you medicine ;) km444 do you feel better now? i hope so ;)

Jacuie thanks :D for the nice pics, but i´m feeling good, what can i do to become the interest from Nicky :lol:
btw to cuddle up may i cuddle with him :D
Stoky of course you can cuddle up with Nick. All wardgirls are entitled to cuddle up with him. :) I just leave what you do while cuddling up to you :D
Hi Peeps!!

well I have been crazy busy so I couldn't even get on line, but here I am :D

say did any one catch 'Live with Regis and Kelly' friday? my cutie Anderson Cooper was the co-host with her, it was so funny!! she was just flirting like crazy with him!! oh it was good stuff :lol:

and my Nicky was only in a little bit of Thursday's show, and the show it self was blah really, it was silly how they wound up telling us who the miniture guy was, any way, Nick was hot of course, he was sweating too :D

oh and so I'll try to get back and submitt some pics later :D

like I said, did any one else catch 'Live with Regis and Kelly'? it was funny :D

ok bye for now :D
Jaqcuie sais
just leave what you do while cuddling up to you
oh Jacquie that´s very kindly :D but i´ll need long time to cuddling :lol:

nicksarafan2 ohh, i know this show from youtoube, but live we´ll in german can´t see that. Hope it´s as soon as possible in youtoube.
Jacquie actually I have tons and tons of Nicky-pics on my hard drive, it just takes so damn long to upload them via dial-up... Hey, but I ordered DSL lately and I hope I'll get it soon, and then beware of my pic-spams! :lol:

Hey km good to see you back in the Ward! We've missed you. Hope you feel better soon!

And I had another looong talk with Santa Claus today. And he told me y'all deserve something nice for being such good girls, so I come bearing gifts from Santa :D
Cheers! :D
Born to be wild
He's all in for cuddling
Little head tilt
And a cute little frown
And cute beyond words

I got Just a walk... on CD today (a friend of mine actually could record my old VHS-tape on CD) and I'm capping like mad right now. Not the best quality, but I hope you enjoy.
I've uploaded 30 pics so far, they can be found here (and that's just the first 5 minutes! :lol:)
My mind hasn't been functioning that well lately Jacquie. So I'm not into picking anything hard. :lol:

NikkiJamez, cut and paste isn't something I can do on this computer right now. It took a month and a half of updates to the virus scanner to get anything accepted as a homepage. We got badly infected last June and there's still a few things wrong with this computer and uninstall/re-install isn't an option.

On to the hat and vest theme, the runners up are:

stokeydream - Had this ep in mind when I picked this theme.
OnlyTruth - One of my all time favorites. I have several different stills from this scene.
Yurek - Some eyes to melt in.
Softcake - The crinkles, the smile, the chain (still wonder about it). :rolleyes:
OnlyTruth - It was close.

The winner is:

I promised myself that no matter how much I liked some, that I would pick one I didn't have. Jacquie wins with this oldie but goodie. Can you believe with how many times it's been posted on here that I didn't have it. Now I do. :D


Softcake, you're the best. I've never seen Just A Walk in the Park. I love seeing all the caps from it, and I'm always looking for more. :lol:
Softcake thanks for the wonderful pics :) and your working *happy*

Jacquie congrats :D and now give us a new theme
softcake those pics are too cute. A big thank-you. :). I so want to see that movie. I check weekly in the tv listings here and nothing. As far as I can see nobody has it available to buy on dvd or vhs. :(. Just keep those caps coming. A big thanks again :)

eta Oh happy ward dance with Nick. I won! :) I've always liked that orange pic. Now for a theme. I'll keep it simple as some people are still under the weather and alot of us are stressed out from Christmas shopping. I know it's been done several time but I like to come back to it every so often. I'm talking about open neck shirts. They can be of George, Nick or any other character. I think George is hot and georgeous in them. The limit is 12 and I will pick a winner late Monday night. Happy Nick hunting :)
You're all very welcome :) I've been a fan of Nick/George for more than a year now (I watched my first CSI-epi on Dec 6th last year. I remember because I had an accident on said day, so Nick and I had our first anniversary :lol:)
And I'm glad I can have my share in spreading the love for George :D And more caps to follow soon, promised ;)

Oh, and Jacquie congratz on winning! :D
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