George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Elsie the new episode was good. Too much Grissom and very little Nick. What we got was good though. I will never complain about our Nick just the lack of him. Congrats on winning and a verrrry nick theme :)
blackflag we've had a smattering of snow for the last few days. Nothing to write home about but the temp is another thing. This morning it's -12C with a wind chill of -20C. Sorry don't ask me to convert to fahrenheit because I can't. I can tell you it's cold in any temp reading. :lol:

Ok now on to this most enjoyable theme
oh how much trouble I could get us into with my thoughts on this one :devil:
oh very lickable indeed
you really like my neck? oh let me tell you :devil:
a double feature
a cowboy neck just as yummy :D
this should warm us up a lot :lol:
Softcake you are going to love Gum Drops. Not only because it's Nick-centric, but the episode itself was just really well done.

Last night's epi had me laughing a lot (probably at stuff I really shouldn't be laughing at, but I have a sick sense of humor). There wasn't enough Nick (as usual) and it seemed that when he was on screen his lines consisted of him stating the obvious!

IMO GE looks really tired too...I wonder what's up with him?
Snow! Oh how I wished we'd finally get some! But no. It's raining like mad, and it's very stormy. The right weather to cuddle with some couch cushions (due to lack of Nick), have a cup of tea and read a good book.

McStokes next Thursday I'll sit in front of the TV an hour early so I won't miss a second of Gum Drops :) From all the caps I've seen and the clips, I'm sure I'll love it.

And yes, I have to agree with you (of course! :D) George looks tired. When they do a close-up on him, it seems all the beautiful crinkles got a bit deeper, and he has dark - erm... circles around the eyes... Hope you know what I mean. He just looks tired and exhausted. Poor darling. He should spent some days in the Ward and let us pamper him :)
Don't get me wrong, the man is still drop-dead gorgeous, but yeah...he looks like 5 miles of bad pavement at the moment! Big, dark circles around those pretty eyes. I say he needs a group hug from the Ward Girlz.

TPTB at CBS better not be giving him a hard time, or I will march over there and take care of them!
Hy Ladys :D

GreggoLover nice that you love this pic ;) and when you have sweet dream therfore are the pic :lol: and sure
i don´t tell your finance why do you sleep so happy :lol: :lol: therfore i´ll give you my word of honor ;)

Congrats Elsie :D nice theme. i don´t no have enough pics for this :rolleyes: will looking and hope so also i´m very tired from the last nights the ward have beat me

:lol: sorry
dead beat :lol:
I was surprised at how hot and bothered Nick looked when he was talking on the phone to Hodges. I think if we all do a nice giant squeeze we might help Nick get through his tiredness. Did anyone else notice the out of sequence numbers when Nick and Warrick we tracking the jello. The numbers went 38,39 and 16. I love their counting skills :lol: More sign our boy needs some sleep. I will gladly volunteer my bed for Nick tonight. :p

Here are the rest of my theme pics
very delectable
only the neck is lickable :p
a very emotional little stoker
he's such a tease
a little stoker with wings :lol:
another nice nick

I'm amazed at how much trouble I could get into from Destiny if I actually wrote what I thought with some of these pics :devil:
Nothing to do with the theme, well there are caps with a very lickable neck :lol:. Click HERE for caps from Nicky in Loco Motive. Hope ya'll like them
*joins Jacquie in the gutter* Ooh yeah. I know what you mean... :D

Nick and Warrick were tracking jello? :eek: I love jello! :D *puts some jello on the floor* Over here, guys, come to mama! :D

More theme pics, before I get us in trouble

Little Stoker
Little Stoker and a devilish look
Little Stoker and lots of fun
Neck and a nice blue shirt
Little Stoker, and not just the neck is lickable here

Okay, I'm off for dinner now. Note to self: Never ever touch your eyes after cutting chili. Not my best idea today...

Edit because I need to tell Babs that she's my hero! :)
hey how did you get ctv over there Babs? *raises eyebrow* :lol: lovely caps as usual
is the leather band on his right wrist a watch or a bracelet of sime kind? george/nick can really pull of man jewelry, i love it :D
Yup...tracking Jell-O. But what led them to the Jell-O...a TRAIL OF ANTS!!! Lots of them! My heart literally stopped when the camera panned down to show them swarming...I thought for sure we'd get to see our man panic a bit, but...nope. Nada, zilch, nothing! Grrr...bad PTB at CSI!
allmaple said:
hey how did you get ctv over there Babs? *raises eyebrow* :lol: lovely caps as usual
is the leather band on his right wrist a watch or a bracelet of sime kind? george/nick can really pull of man jewelry, i love it :D
:lol: I don't get it over here ;) thats why I love the computer ;) :lol: :D
The leather band is some kind of bracelet I think, cause he wears his watch on his left wrist ;)
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