George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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I'll add my nice avatar to the avatar comments as well blackflag.

Ok I finished watching The Spring and I will say it's not the worst movie I've watched. I don't know if I would've turned it off if George hadn't been in it or not. There have been worse movies I've stopped with "movie star" type actors. It was interesting to see a young George. I assumed this was filmed before he started on CSI. I was surprised with a couple of twists in the movie but I won't comment further for those of you out there that still want to see the movie. Now that I have seen it I will look closely at softcake's caps. :)
Blackflag :lol: yes i´ve also many photoprogramms, but Avatar making .. it´s the hell. But your Avatar looks really nice ;) I´ll do many attempts with Avatar it´s soo pitiable :lol: my nervs so pain.

The Song :) oh whenever hear Music we must thinking about Nicky :D my favorite music is country and western, and i saw every one our Georgy i think GE is burned-in my brain :lol:

howdy Yurek :)
So I just watched "Shooting Stars" on German TV.
Wheee! :D I loved that episode! And of course I loved Nicky. Poor thing, they sent him into a basement and he just didn't feel comfortable at all. Awww :(
Next week we'll have Gum Drops. I've already seen some short clips of it, but I can't wait to see the episode... *bounces*
softcake_70 said:
So I just watched "Shooting Stars" on German TV.
Wheee! :D I loved that episode! And of course I loved Nicky. Poor thing, they sent him into a basement and he just didn't feel comfortable at all. Awww :(
Next week we'll have Gum Drops. I've already seen some short clips of it, but I can't wait to see the episode... *bounces*

*completely agrees with softcake* Same here! Can'T wait to see Gum Drops! I'm expecting that epi soo much! :D
And today you just wanted to hug and cheer him up instead of sending him down in that awfull rooms.

I think I'll go to bed now. I'm so tired!

Good night pic!
That's fine Nikky we can amuse ourselves with random Nick. Goodnight and sweet Nick dreams to everyone over the pond :). Just think German wardgirls you'll get to see Nick pics like these next week
breakfast with the gang
angry Nick
gathering his thoughts
the all important coffee shot
the all important 'I was rescued' line it still brings shivers to me just thinking about it
sweet Mary Jane
and there's plenty more but we don't want to upset the apple cart and get a warning from Destiny about posting too many pics at once. :)
Nikky it´s OK :)

Jacquie yeah, i´m so happy for next week - and thanks for these pics you are a treasure :D and yes we wouldn´t make Destiny angry :)

Wish ya´ll a very cute Dreams with
Stokydream, Thanks for the nice piccy to go to sleep on. Now I can have sweet dreams (shhh, don't tell my fiance that...he'd cringe knowin' that it was Nicky that was making me have sweet dreams and not fallin' asleep next to him. :lol:)
Thanks Nikky . And I hope the final Nick of the year was worth the wait?

Oh, wow, now I have to think at this early hour about a theme.... I'm not sure how recently this was done, but for the new theme I would like to see pics of the little stoker, or pics of a very lickable neck... There you go, a nice easy one (and a yummy one) for the start of the weekend!! :D

12 pics, I will choose a winner in about 27 hours (because it is my work Christmas party tonight, and I definately won't be out of bed at this time tomorrow).
Good morning!

My first good-morning-post disappeared somehow. Pity, it was long and full of yummy pics! :lol:

Congratz on winning, elsie And have fun at the Christmas party! My boss chose the best date ever for a Christmas party: Friday Dec 22nd, 4 pm. :rolleyes:

Thanks, Jacquie for the nice Gum Drop pics *drools a little* Oh, I so need to see that episode...

Okay, theme pics: Due to the jumpsuit here's a lot of neck to lick
I really want to give him a hickey :devil:
Ugly shirt, but yummy guy
Two for the price of one :D
That pic always makes me giggle
Now that's perfect to nibble on

Okay, back to work! :D
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