George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Hey all, I don't visit here too often but I was hoping I could request a certain type pic of George/Nick. Its for a photo manip I want to do.

I searched everywhere, does anyone have a photo of him looking up towards the sky (or just looking up) with a smile on his face??

Thanks, I'd appriciate it.
Good morning Ladys :D

welcome Wojo
looking up

not with a smile but perhaps once of them what you need?

and congrats for your Adrian ;) first place NFS2

no i´ll pic the winner in few minutes ;) working here can wait it´s not so hurriedly - the ward is most important :D
now it´s time to pic the winner. It´s very heavy so many nice ear pics *sigh* all the pics are very nice

in non particular order

Elsie :lol: ouh i love this all the things the ear the stoker
Softcake hmmm ;) very hot ears
Nikki oh yeah i love him when he is angry
Jacquie *sigh* you kill me with this pic :lol:
AngelaG what can i say :)

and the winner is.... drumroll Blackflag he looks sooo cute there like a little boy.
Congrats on winning Blackflag i´ll give you Nicky in your capable hands ;)
NikkyJamez said:
Ohh the first CSI Game! Has anyone played through the one case (from Dark Motives) where you find the woman's underwear under a sofa and Nick makes somekind of comment like, "Ooo, I wonder if these will fit me?":eek: Or something to that extent. I almost spit my coffee all over my computer screen when I heard that. :D
I've played through Dark Motives too and had about the same reaction (things like that, and some of the pictures here, are why I have stopped bringing beverages to my desk). I liked that case (in the theatre) better than his case from the first game -- way too much talking (by the "professor") in the first game.

Y'all have posted lots of great pics lately. Starts my day off on a happy note....
never played the computer games but my brother gave me the csi senses game for christmas. and my dad said to me 'so when you play are you going to be grissom?' i laughed at him and said 'obviously i will be nicky' :lol:
although the little nick piece is kind of creepy looking
allmaple I got the game for Christmas as well and I agree with you about Nick. He does look creepy. All the other characters look like the actors that play them except our poor Nicky :mad:

Congrats on winning blackflag :)
Goody, Goody, I won. :D :D

I got to go our for a while, so you'll have to wait until some time this afternoon for a new theme. Maybe my brain can come up with something new and interesting. :lol:

I have got to have the only computer that freezes on shut down. My mom laughed when it finally shut down and I said "thank you" to it. I told her that at least it confirms to her that she has at least one child that can be polite when needed! :lol:

Glad you likes the pics Jacquie. They've been adding a lot of screencaps lately.


edited because there are times I just can't spell.
blackflag said:
They've been adding a lot of screencaps lately.
blackflag that's because the co-mod on Texan Charm finally got Season 2 and 3 on DVD :D He's very busy screencapping.
And congratz on winning, too.
I'll check back later for the new theme.
OK Ward, I'm back. Nothing like ending your errands at the public library for free icecream. :p

On to the new theme. I think what I want is George, Nick, and Co. with the look of "Who, Me?" on his face. Limit of 12, and I'll pick the winner sometime tomarrow afternoon.

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