George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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I realize that this may sound like a dumb question but what CSI computer game are you talking about?
softcake_70 said:
Edit: blackflag how often did you use the wrong tool intentionally just to hear Nick say "We can't use that here"? :lol:
:lol: Softcake, I did that alot when I played the CSI game. :) Gotta love that voice! I'd also click on him alot so that he could ask what he could do to help me. :D
Yeah, OnlyTruth, I did that, too :lol: I let him help me a lot... Gosh, he must have thought "what a stupid newbie did they send me this time :rolleyes:"
Stokydream said:

is it the first CSI game?

Yah, it's the first game.

Who wouldn't want to hear his voice as much as possible? :D It actually drove me nuts with Sara, but with Nick you just want to do it.

*raises hand* :D I even tried to extract the audio files from the game... Didn't work. But someone over at LJ once posted a couple of audio files, so now whenever I start my computer, Nick says "mmh...hello sweetheart" :D
:D i´ve got the game, fine i´ll playing these days the game and will hear the voice :D too yeah i´ll doing that thanks
Blackflag ;)
Softcake :D thanks i´ve the pure english Version is not german. I´ll buying long time ago 2 Years over Internet Telecom. Lay down on my Computer and i´ve forgot the Game *i´m stupid girl* :lol:
I'm going to get my husband to help me investigate the game to see if it will run on my computer. It sounds like it will. :) I'm not computer savy so anything I need help with I go 'Peter'-my husband :)
Jacquie said:
I'm going to get my husband to help me investigate the game to see if it will run on my computer. It sounds like it will. :) I'm not computer savy so anything I need help with I go 'Peter'-my husband :)
Jacquie, if it runs on this one which was bought in 1995 and is running windows '98 (and has all the problems that it has :lol:), it should run on yours.

If you're still looking for 11 Angry Jurors caps they have some over on Texan Charm. ;)

*jumps in to quickly post some theme pics* without having checked all the other pics, sorry! :rolleyes:

Congrats Stoky.

Cute ear
Another cute ear
little stoker pics=cute ear pics

I'm not sure I have ever played a computer game in my entire life, but if it's got Nick's voice on it then I am seriously tempted to buy it! :lol: And I'm the same as you Jacquie, I just get Mark to deal with all my computer needs, that's what husbands are for.... ;)
blackflag thanks for the update on 11 Angry Jurors. I had seen the caps from Babs site :) but not TexanCharm

If nobody has claims on Nick for Sunday do you think we should send to Egypt to spend the day with Babs :)
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