George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Happy New Years all!!!

My finger is fine thank you all :)

and I watched my Anderson Cooper New Years show and it was cool, Drag Queens, Gumbo, all the New York stuff!!

Happy New Years all!!
Yeah Happy New Year to everyone, I too have suffered an injury, I was in a car wreck a couple days ago and suffered a broken nose. I'm fine, despite this ugly thing I have to keep on it!
NikkiJamez Im sorry to hear about your car crash, I hope you're ok! :eek:

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!

And, ward pic winners and runners up!!! (Its hard picking these!)

OK, first, runners up (in no particular order!)
Jacquie-This pic is gorgeous!
Stokydream-Again, a gorgeous pic!
Only Truth-hehe, I like this pic, tis pretty!!!
NickyJamez-Such a gorgeously sad pic! Poor Nicky! :(
Jaquie (again)-*sighj* these are two very hot guys!!!

And the winner is: Stokydream-This was such a hard decision but this one just won as he looks so damn gorgeous!!!!

Again, Happy New Years Guys!!!

congrats on winning Stoky. That was a good pic. Jemma being the person that selects the next winner is not always an easy task. You did a very good job.

Nikky sorry to hear about you car accident. :(. Glad to hear it was only your nose broken though. For all those suffering thru aches and pains of one sort or the other here just what the doctor order. :)

Nick is sorry to hear his wardgirls have some aches and pains
little stoker with a dress blue shirt should help
I know a helping of this will help
leftovers from last nights New Years eve bash :lol:
Adam's ready to kiss away our aches and pains
the spoiled rotten child look

Your little story is really nice ! ;)

I saw the movie * Just A Walk in the Park * very often because Geoerge Eads is so good in the role !

And still five pics to the film.

- - Pic 3 - Pic 4 - Pic 5

*Edited: Please note the rules in either the "help guide" or page/post one of this thread regarding the posting of pictures. Thank you.*
Hy Guys :D and for y´ll a very happy new Year

i´ve won :eek: Jemmax thanks ;) and all pics are soo nice

Nikki sais
I too have suffered an injury, I was in a car wreck a couple days ago and suffered a broken nose. I'm fine, despite this ugly thing I have to keep on it!

oh poor Nikki

big hug from me and hope you´re feeling better now?

have last night a long messenger speak with Softcake it was so funny, hope she is OK :lol:

Ok i´ll give you the next theme. Nicky´s or the other charakters Hairstyle. So many different looks from him. Time Limit 24 hrs and 12 pics. I´m happy yet forward of the many pics. Have fun ;)
Ooooh, hairstyles!!! Great theme Stokydream!!! *sigh* but that means we're most probably gonna have that god damn horrible moustache, ergh!!! I shant look, thats the answer to everything!!! :lol: Ok, hairstyle pics:

Season 1 hairstyle (favorite hairstyle!!! yum! :p)
Season 2 hairstyle (not much different between Season 1, I know!)
Season 3 hairstyle (sideburns!!!)
Season 4 hairstyle(slightly shorter)
Season 5 hairstyle (Same as Season 4, kinda)
Season 6 hairstyle (I wasn't a huge fan of the longer hair, but it did look kinda good)

Also, didn't someone post a link somewhere where someone had put together a college of Nick's hairstyles throughout the ages? *shrug* I seem to remember that.

@Nikki: A broken nose? :eek: A friend of mine also broke her nose but she hadn't hat to wear one of those "stripes". She fell into (well "into" is the wrong word) a wall. :D
I hope it doesn't hurt that much. :)

I hope you all had a great day/evening.

Congratz on winning Stoky.

Hairstyles... didn't we talk about that half an hour ago. :lol:

Here my first bunch of pics:

Something short
Longer and really hot
Very short but still sexy
Short, black and sexy plus vest porn :D
Erm...short and cool...oh... and look! Some Greg porn :lol:
Last Laugh style :)
Yurek yes we´ve spoken over hair and also i´ve spoken
last night with Softcake it´s so funny :)

i´ve found this pic for a few weeks here in the ward :lol:

nice GE :lol:

Ok Ladys i´m off now and i wish y´ll nice night and Nicky dreams.

And thanks to Jacquie for the nice pics at the beginnign day ;)

Good Night and sleep very well ;)
Thank God school starts back up tomarrow and we get rid of the kids at ten minutes of 8, until around 2:30. :p Our problem will be to make sure Victoria doesn't take her V-migo to school. Unfortunately their father has one more day off, we don't get rid of him until Wednesday.

The rest of my theme pics:

In the beginning
early season 2 hair from Chaos Theory
mid season 4 hair from 11 Angry Jurors
season 5, growing out the buzz from 4 x 4 :D
season 6, about as long as it got hair
season 7 and back to the buzz cut :D
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