George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Nice theme idea, CSIVegasMiamiNY
I'm going to post some later, first I need to post the next installment of "A walk in the park". This one gets pretty long... sorry :D

When we left the last time, Adam and Rachel kissed.
I don't know what happened then, they didn't show ;)
The next day, they go back to the park to play with their dogs.
But Adam has a job, so he picks up his next furry client. And there is the son of the family, obviously just pretending to be sick. He's afraid of going to school
because he's "not cool". But Adam knows what to do. He offers to take care of the kid, too, and builds a nice dog-sled-scooter-thingy for the boy. They go to the park, and the kid is now the coolest cat in town and the other boys admire him.
Adam enjoys

Later that evening it gets romantic. Adam and Rachel take a carriage for a little tour in the park. Very romantic, isn't it? Adam tries to tell Rachel that he's not the guy she thinks he is, and he starts with telling her a dream. That he dreamt about losing all his stuff, "his" company, and the expensive apartment. Rachel doesn't take it serious, she gets into some deep psychologial stuff. And she tells him that she wished the voices inside her head would stop screaming at her (go figure) We already know it's hard for her to make decisions, but who would know that she also lacks of spontaneity? She'd love to leave all her doubts behind and
just jump into the nearest funtain ;) So Adam stops the carriage and makes her jump. They obviously have fun the water, until they get caught by the cops
(McStokes , was that you? :lol:)

They go back to the apartment building. Rachel complains about the 75 Dollar ticket she got for jumping into the fountain, insists that Adam has to pay half of it. They fool around a little until they reach Rachel's floor... Suddenly Adam hears the sound of a camera clicking. He goes after the noise and discovers a sleazy little guy just around the corner. Adam confronts him and wants to know why he follows him, he says he just mailed a package, he didn't do anything illegal... But that's not what the guy is about. He's a private investigator - and Mrs Preston hired him to observe her husband. Oops. Mr Preston? Adam? Rachel hears all of it and is hurt, because Adam told her he's not married.. Very confusing, I know. So she just leaves him standing outside of her door...


Like always, you can find the rest of the 3 billion pics over here. Enjoy!
Thanks softcake . I do love reading your story (and looking at the pics!). ;)

I think this sounds and looks like a great film, I'm definately going to try and find it! :D
NSF2 I hope your fingers are doing better because we all miss you here :)

I will also add my Happy New Years to everyone before I forget. I hope 2007 is just as good or even better than 2006.

Jemma nice theme idea.

not Nick's but there is a gun
wow there is a gun present :lol:
Nick's very good at protecting his wardgirls
very nice sidearm
wardgirls it's our turn to protect Nick
under the 'g'

eta Thanks for the update and the pics softcake. I even put my glasses on so I don't miss all the details. :)
Hy Guys :D

nice theme Jemma ;) but i´ve not enough pics
i´ll look

NSF2 hope your fingers are as soon as possible better :)

Softcake so nice, the story with adam going on thanks so much for your working ;)

gun at the side yummi look :devil:
get ready his gun
dangerous poor Nicky
another poor Nicky
at the side
Nicky is pulling his gun

ok my first ;)

for y´ll before time to late and i´m not here, wish y´ll happy new year and hope the best for 2007 many luck, many healthy and all your wishes shall implement :) (hope that´s correct writing :)
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