George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Softcake yeah i´m happy :)
poor girl :( you´re heating big hug
from me

nice theme Jacquie that´s very good :D

here my first
look very nice new sunglasses
and a very nice camera
wooow an invitation from the Wardladys - i´m happy :D
oh so many good wishes from the Wardladys
an brandnew cowboy had
no ... Stoky, that i´ll telling not, it´s too delicate :devil:

Ok that´s my first ;) now i´m off very tired and i´ve splitting headache :( i don´t no why so strong...

have nice Nicky

good night ;) y´ll
Blackflag glad to hear you got the computer game. I got CSI:Senses game. We didn't get season 6 dvd but there is another gift giving day coming up in the very near future for my husband to give me the dvds :)
Hy Guys :D

Blackflag i´m happy to here with your Computer Game, i have the Game Gothic 3 my Computer is sooo slowly *grr* i can´t play it on this computer.

i think i´ll get a cold, my headache are still not better :(
hope CSI today in German TV helps me

ok hope it´s not to late my second pics ;

new rubber glowes
look my theet are new :lol:
my beuatiest gift a new smoking for the Ward Party :devil:
new shoes and jacket - very nice
many new friends and new french Cappy ;)
new jumpsuit :)

ok that´s all, think i lay down awhile until the Epi today :) begins
McStokes the computer games are fun, even for gaming beginners. You get to play the CSI newbie and help the guys with their own cases. I used to play Nick's cases for a couple of times cause I liked to hear George saying "you can't use that here" whenever I pointed my mouse on an inappropriate spot of his anatomy :D

And tonight the famous 'stache made its first appearance on German TV :D I need to rewatch the episode because I was busy staring at Nick's upper lip. It's not that bad, seeing it in action... :D

Stoky sorry to hear you're not well *hugs*
Well it seems as though I've caught the ward cold. Woke up this morning with a sore throat and runny nose. I'm not one to get sick to often maybe 1 or 2 colds a year but I hate them nonetheless. When I finish hear Nick and I are going to have a quiet evening. :)

Nick did get some very interesting presents for Christmas. I did like his happy meal and his sunglasses :) but I think the gift that stands out the best is the pic from blackflag . The look just says it all. What no beer :lol:. So congrats blackflag and as always Nick is now in your capable hands. :)

Nick and I will be watching some dvds tonight. I got season 2 of Hamish Macbeth for Christmas so Nick will get a chance to watch another of my favourites-Robert Carlyle :)
You caught me off guard. I submitted those without the thought in my head of what to pick as a theme if I won. :lol: So I guess I'll go for something easy on the eyes. I want Nick, George, his other characters in blue because it's my favorite color. :D

Off I go to eat my leftovers from Christmas (turkey :p) and watch whatever tonights reruns are on spike.

Congratz, blackflag! :)

Sorry to hear you're not well, Jacquie We should put you and Nicky and Stoky in the quarantine box.
Thank God I'm done with my cold, but it lasted 13 days. I'm still coughing a little, though, but not enough to join you (My doc always says: a fortnight with meds, 14 days without)
I just googled "Hamish MacBeth" because I had no clue what you were talking about! :D I loved "The Full Monty", though I had no clue I did, because I didn't know the original title ;) The German meaning was different, like "by no means at all"
Okay, I stop babbling now :D
Good night!
Hy Guys :D

and congrats on winning Blackflag yes the pic is really best pic :lol:

Jacquie Robert Carlyle nice :) he has birthday with me :lol: hs making many good films and a good actor ;)
have fun with Nicky but please, send us Nicky for the Night Dreams ;)

Softcake thanks for your sympathy from my headache *hug* back ;)

Ok, thanks Blackflag for new theme and now i´m off
but before i´m going y´ll know sending nice Nicky

without beard :lol: it´s cute
i´ll need him for my head
and for the morning we´ll make a waterfight :lol:

good Night ladys sleep very well see y´ll later ;)
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