George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Jacquie said:
a blacktie affair have you noticed when the invite says blacktie that they always wear more than a blacktie? Wouldn't it be more fun if they just wore the blacktie :lol: :devil:

Jaquie I love where you're going with this statement! hehe, hmmmm, now to send invites to Nick, Flack and Speed(*sniffle*) for a black tie party! :devil:

Hy Guys :D

ohhh i´ve won :eek: thanks OnlyTruth :D and so many nice pics here.
Jacquie the blacktie :lol: yeah it´s really nice idea an i´ll agree with Softcake

Softcake thanks that you like my new Ava ;) and i´m promoted now "police officer" i´m sooo happy guys

Ok let see for a new theme. In a few days we have new Year
Nicky/George and all the other charakters must give us Wardladys, good resolutions for the new Year.
Time 24 hrs and 12 pics limit. Hope you´ve understand my *ehm* stupid english :lol:

Have fun and nice day ;)
A little late but a wonderfull xmas everyone. I dont think I have really time to play anymore. I'll be back on february the 3th. Have a wonderfull time. And please send Nicky to egypt for a couple off days :)
Stoky your english is not stupid. You are doing very well. And congrats on your promotion :) :) Now this is a very interesting theme idea. New Years Resolutions.

Nick's resolution is to stop wearing purple gooo in his hair
Adam's resolutions is to not mail unknown parcels
Nick wants to make sure he smiles at Stoky more often
Nick promises to do his Christmas shopping earlier when the selection is better :lol:
Nick wants to make sure he dusts and vacuums more frequently
Travis (I think) wants to relax more

Stoky I hope this is what you're looking for :)

eta: babs have a wonderful time in Egypt. We'll send Nick over a couple of times
Hy Babs for you too nice and loveley xmas :) you´ll travel to egypt? and how do you feeling. We´re missing you
and of course we´re thinking on you ;)

I´ll wish you a safe and pleasant travel and we´ll sending
Nicky to egypt ;)
for Babs

Jacquie sais
Stoky I hope this is what you're looking for
:D yes that´s what i mean
and thanks for nice words to my english ;) i´ll give you a big hug
Stokydream said:
Hy Babs for you too nice and loveley xmas :) you´ll travel to egypt? and how do you feeling. We´re missing you
and of course we´re thinking on you ;)

I´ll wish you a safe and pleasant travel and we´ll sending
Nicky to egypt ;)
for Babs
Yep, we are going to egypt. To the family off my hubby. The weather is great now :) Thnx for sending Nicky to Egypt for a couple off days ;) I'll take good care off him ;) And I feel fine thnx, the baby is doing great ;)
Softcake this is very nice :devil: baggy

Lady´s do you remember what i´ll telling you for the dreams between 25.12. - 06.01.07? i´ve been a very ugly dream... i´ve dreamed from Handcuffs :eek: oh oh..... McStokes you must help me!!! where are you!!??? I´ll don´t landing there
:lol: what a dream is it for me?!
Stoky but handcuffs can be good! :devil: I won't go further, I fear the Wrath of Destiny :D
My big sis gave me a book about dream interpretations for Christmas, because I'm dreaming weird stuff all the time.
About handcuffs, the book says: they hinder you with your self-development, considering your life circumstances. Or they mean nothing because you caught your hands in the sheets! :eek: Duh.
I'm here!

Don't worry...if you end up in jail I will come bail you out!

But, yes...habdcuffs in a dream can mean that you feel trapped about circumstances...for example, there is something you need to do and/or say that may hurt someone, and you feel trapped because you don't know whether to help them and risk hurting them, or ignore it and hope they don't get hurt anyway.

Oooohhh...such deep thoughts from me after being away for a day! Sleep really DOES do a body good! :D
Softcake thanks for explain :D you have a book of dreams? that´s very interesting :)

Or they mean nothing because you caught your hands in the sheets! Duh.
yes i´ll thinking the last suitable better to me. My lucky is very narrow oh oh.... that´s no good ..... oh btw i´ll hoping, in jail it gives internet :lol:

and noo Destiny don´t wrath of us :lol: we´ll decent
or? :D

McStokes hy :D nice you´re here - but i´ll don´t hurt someone, i´m very peacfull :( no that´s from you :devil: now i know .. you´re speaking continual from Handcuffs and it was burning in my brain :lol:

ok, we think about you for you .....

don´t forget Nicky :lol:
Silly...I meant hurt as in to hurt someone's feelings! I know you wouldn't want to hurt someone physically!
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