George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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oh, i´ll thinking McStokes not soo nasty of me ;)
i´ve understand good and i´m not to be grudges :lol: i´ll meaning the "silly" :devil: i´m silly

McStokes ??? hope you´ll not angry with me? please i´m a littlebit sarcastic and ironic, foregive me! i´m not a bad guy :D i´ll give you now a nice pic OK ;)

specially for you McStokes
*sends help to blackflag * Good luck, hon! :D
Your *protect us..* pic made me wish I had a bath tub! :D
And I swear in your last pic, Little Stoker just waits to pop out :D Though his lips look very - kissable (is that a word at all?)
Blackflag i´ll sends help too ;)

ok, Ladys now i´m off

speciall wishes to Blackflag ;)

for you ;)

and for y´ll ladys

sweet night
Nicky Dreams

hope you´ll not angry of me - yeah i´m a littlebit individual
but i´m thinking you´ll individual or?

Ok ladys good night have sweet dreams ;) you´ll great
good night Stoky. :)
Sorry blackflag to hear you're getting the kids back. Take Nick for Wednesday so he can protect you from them.

Here are some more of my theme pics
to make sure the wardgirls get special deliveries on a regular bases :D
to make frequent inspections of the ward
to continue to be an angel to my girls
Nick resolves to continue to bat his beautiful eyelashes for his girls

eta: here are the last two New Years Resolutions for Nick
Nick resolves to have a bring your pet to work day more often :)
to continue to be the caring guy that he is :)
Howdy Ladys :D

OnlyTruth ohhh :lol: now is off but i must laughing. here a cute pic

Ok it´s time to pic a winner *pity* no more pics? it´s very quiet here.

in no particular order

Jacquie :lol: that´s the look i´m like from Adam sooo helpless
Softcake :devil: yummy and i´ll following him immediately
Softcake again :D yeah that´s a good promise
Blackflag :devil: once of my favorite pics
Blackflag again :D girls like this

and the winner is ........ *drumroll*
Jacquie *sigh* our angel :) i´ll to hug him

Congrats Jacquie i´ll give Nicky in your hands and be carefull :D Thanks all for your loveley pics
Hi all (especially Stoky!) No...I'm not mad! I had to pry myself from the computer and actually do some work! I do some advertising/media placement on the side for an old client of mine, and I've been putting off finishing her work until now...which is about 5 months too late! :eek:
Congrats Jacquie . Sorry I've not been posting any pics Stoky , I'm only able to visit the ward for a short time, not enough time to look for and post pics, but I will be back posting soon.... :D

Good luck with the kids blackflag , and Babs , I hope you have a great time in Egypt. :)
Howdy Guys :D

McStokes ;) thanks no and you´re not mad i know this :) oh you poor Lady so hard working.

Elsie i´m happy you´re here ;) sure sometimes the time is to short and posting pic´s is not ever easy and sometimes be had other things to do :) it´s fine that you´re here.

and where is Softcake one day and i´ve been you missing so

Ok for you McStokes and Elsie and sure for y´ll too ;)
cute Nicky
another cute Nicky
Oh happy ward dance. I won :).Well lets see we've had Nick giving gifts to OT and Nick making his New Years Resolutions but we've not seen what Nick got for Christmas. So I would like to see what Nick and company got for Christmas. The limit is 12 and I will announce the winner in about 24 hours. Happy hunting :)
Edited because Jacquie came up with a theme :)

I'm here, Stoky don't worry ;)

My heating - the one that got fixed a couple of weeks ago - didn't work today, so I waited the whole day for our janitor to fix it again - wrapped in blankets, watching CSI and freezing... But now the heating works again :)

Congratz on winning, Jacquie I'm looking forward to the next theme.

Theme pics

Nick got some new sunglasses
And three new pyjamas
Grissom wrapped this himself
Wow, a shiny new car
A pony (come on, you know it's there)
A Happy Meal :D

And now that Christmas is over, I released Gandi from his duty - he was sick and tired of the red hat :D
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