Gas..How Much are you paying???

I'm in Kentucky and it's down to 2.78 in a few places here. I filled up Saturday around noon at 2.87. Got back out around 3 to go pick up some contacts from Wal-Mart and it had dropped down to 2.79...totally p'd me off!!! But at least it's dropping so that's a good thing :) Especially for me since I drive an SUV.
A couple weeks ago we were up to $3.09 a gallon but since then it has dropped to $2.89 a gallon and has stayed there so far. Gee, and I remember 4 years ago when we thought $1.89 a gallon was high. If only we could pay that again.
We're down to about $2.77/gal here in Cincinnati. Which after the nightmares of over $3/gal, looks pretty good. Amazing what we can learn to live with, isn't it?
Heh, I'm working on contract for Chevron right now... try guessing the calls I get sometimes! :lol:
Last time i was in NL it was about 2.05€/litre.

But here where i am at now it is $2.89/gallon. Its truly sad when you are rejoicing over gas prices going "down" because the week early it was $3.12. Thank goodness im not driving as of right now, it would most likely double my uni expenses. ;)

:cool: Lizbeth
^^ It feels like I'm paying that much. On Tuesday afternoon, I bought gas since I had tried to hold off buying as long as possible and paid $2.85. And then on Thursday, the price came down almost ten cents to around $2.77 at most stations in the area I live in. I was a little upset, but what can you do. (I'm usually one of those people that either gets gas right after it goes up or right before it goes down. I've never quite got the timing down.)